Problem about The Communitree

Just keeping this thread alive

… what

Yk stop it from preventing new posts

That rule doesn’t apply to mod discussions

Oh I didn’t know that

He joined This post!
(You can’t stop Prevent that post)

Real Answer from RTLF2024/2025:Acaemeda (Not correct?) can’t Make Everything from the candy box, Also The Communitree Candy Tab “Throw 10 Candies” Don’t Work or Its equal to The candy tree


It’s intentional for Communitree and Candy Tree but I privately copied the candy tree game and I’m working on a way to make throwing 10 candies actually deduct your candies to give for people for such a big boost.

this is Not The candy box.

Can You add More things in The Extended Candy Tree
like Candy Evolution
(Reset Your previous Progress, but Make Candy Multiplied by 1,000x)
Unlocked in Evolution 3
(Reset Lolipops, But Gain Chocolate that Multiplied Your Lolipops by 12x)
Unlocked in Evolution 7
(Now You Can Keep Anything in Candy Evolution Completing those goals)
Endgame:11 Evolutions

or do Something else

Ok I drank the candy tab and finished quest runes and farm rune 1 but I cannot do quest rune bc the enemies are too strong my enemies are like 10x stronger

Try Getting candy box achivements And be a bit patient

you can’t go beyond 999M or 999B, i think

Ok that’s outdated now I just got thefinaluptake and I am at a timewall

i Never reached it

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