Absolute Tree

Sorry if I hadn’t many any updates to my 2 previous mods, but here’s a new TMT mod.

Play here!


Version v0.1.1

  • Due to a topic from Raylan_Helton, the game name and ID is changed into “Absolute Tree” to prevent confusion with the Multitree (not made by me)

  • Sorry if you lost your progress during the game ID change.

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Version v0.2

  • Added a new layer.
  • Added 4 new Multi Upgrades.
  • Added 2 new Multi Buyables.
  • Balanced up to a Lucky Chancemakers completion.
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Version v0.2.1

  • Added more Multi upgrades
  • Changed the Lucky Chancemakers reward.
  • Added a repeatable Absolute Challenge.
  • Added 2 more Absolute Milestones.
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Version v0.2.2

  • Fixed a typo in upgrade name “Multipotenint”.
  • Added Absolute Buyables.
  • Added Absolute Upgrades.
  • Added 3 more Absolute Challenges.
  • Added Ultra Points.
  • Balanced up to 1e1,045 Multi Points.
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Version v0.2.3

  • Added 3 more Absolute Buyables.
  • Added 3 more Absolute Upgrades.
  • Balanced up to 1e1,429 Multi Points.
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Version v0.2.4 Alpha

TIP: If you are stuck after you got Queenbeet upgrade, reset selected Nurseries and get the Nursery Power 2

  • Added a spoiler warning ingame changelog.
  • Added Nurses.
  • Added 1 new Multi Upgrade.
  • Added 7 new Absolute Upgrades.
  • Added 1 new Absolute Buyables.
  • Added 1 more Absolute Challenge.
  • Balanced early game mechanics.
  • Balanced up to 1 Absol Perpetual.
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Version v0.3

I don’t know if it is even true, but there might be some inflation bugs during Pre-Sessions part, if you found one, message me.

  • Font changed into Nova Mono.
  • Added a hotkey to reset for Ultra Points.
  • Balanced up to Ichorpuff upgrade purchased.
  • Added 2 more Absolute Upgrades.
  • Completed the Absol Perpetuals mechanic.
  • Added Umvuthi, the Sunbird (Mowzie Mob’s reference).
  • Added 10 new Nursery Upgrades.
  • Added 5 new Nursery Buyables.
  • Added a joke tree. Try to figure out where it is.
  • Added a new layer.
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Version v0.3.1

  • Added Smackeries.
  • Added Therapy Sessions.
  • Added Axis.
  • Added Musics.
  • Made the Ichorpuff weaken the softcap.
  • Added 40 new Session Upgrades.
  • Balanced up to a day duration Fox Music with Smackery Level I.
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Version v0.3.2

  • Added 1 new Multi Buyable.
  • Added 2 more Smackery Alterations.
  • Added Sanctuaries and Awakening Forms.
  • Added squared forms of Axis.
  • Added Celestial Upgrades.
  • Added 7 new Session Buyables.
  • Balanced up to 1,000 Celestials.

Version v0.3.3

Major change.

  • Fixed a bug within purchasing any Axis Squared buyables.
  • Added 1 new Normal Tree Layer.
  • Added Apotheic Tree Layers.
  • After resetting for Session layer for first time, Free Multi Points now gives free levels to Multi Points (buyable).
  • Added TPS (Ticks per second) counter below endgame text.
  • Added QoL tooltips to some upgrades.
  • Added 1 more Absolute Buyable.
  • Added 2 more Absolute Upgrades.
  • Added 3 new Session Upgrades.
  • Changed the NaN message to display what caused the NaN bug (Bugged at moment!).
  • Added a message after reaching the endgame. The message is below the TPS counter.
  • Added Achievements. Right now they are cosmetic and do nothing.
  • Balanced up to 1e31 Stabs.
  • Changed the win message.


  • Fixed a bug with Absolute Milestones obtaining.
  • Made the free levels amount of Points and Multi Points buyables less chunky. (too much zeros).
  • Fixed a bug where you can get the You there? achievement anytime without actually unlocking Stabverse.

Version v0.3.4

NOTE: The tips prior to Version v0.3.4 are now outdated!

  • Added “Iron” layer.
  • Added Quantum Masks.
  • Reworked a lot of content.
  • Added Tactics.
  • Fixed Nacho Intubatiers tab that aren’t supposed to appear when Apotheic Dimensions 22 isn’t purchased.
  • Added Exponent Tree.
  • Added Lani-Loli (Kos currently).
  • Added Quantum Upgrades.
  • Balanced up to having ‘g’ purchased.

Version v0.3.41 (Balancing Changes)

  • “Fightpointed”, “Bulldog Puffers” and “Stross” upgrades costs less.
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