How did you find The Modding Tree?

This is a thread that lets you explain for how you got into TMT/Profectus.
I remember looking up material for Synergism and finding a Youtube channel for a user named Apeirogon: A game called Prestige Tree in the videos caught my eye because its interface looked interesting, so I decided to play it myself. After reaching the endgame, I looked for mods and found The Game Dev Tree.Then I just jumped from game to game, looking through various sites like yhvr’s modfinder and Reddit, and now I’m here.


I played TPT when it first came out on the subreddit. I really enjoyed it, and thought it had modding potential so joined the discord. There I found people had already started modding it, like despacit. Then I learned about aca creating a whole framework and just latched onto the community. Eventually I made GDT and then Lit and then Profectus.


I found The Dynas Tree (王朝之系谱(The Dynas Tree)-Git游戏文字放置摸鱼挂机游戏大全) on a Chinese website (
(You can find a lot of idle games that you may be familiar with on this website)


Much like TPP, I came across one of Jacorb’s games on the subreddit (not sure if it was TPT or DIstance Incremental) and hopped on to the Modding Tree server once Acamaeda released their framework. As for actually using TMT, I started my mod with the initial goal of “use TMT to make something that isn’t an incremental” - to show it could be done, if nothing else.


I looked up great idle games and the prestige tree (rewritten) was one of them. Played through the whole thing and looked up mods after seeing them mentioned in the info tab.


The plague tree

just finding random website and im here lol
and im guideing some mods

@koreanguy_lol wow how do we keep end up together tho