Mods with polynomial growth mechanics

Does anyone know mods that have polynomial growth mechanics? It means Producer 1s make resources, Producer 2s make Producer 1s, Producer 3s make Producer 2s, etc. Asking mostly out of curiosity, but I do find those pretty cool.
I have played these already:

  • The Communitree (Aarex Dimensions and the modders, not quite for the latter as it’s multipliers rather than producers but still pretty dang similar)
  • The Game Dev Tree (Time Rings)
  • Plague Tree (Fatality Dimensions and Casualty Dimensions)
  • The Prestreestuck (Meta-Faucets and Meta-Meta-Faucets)

One of Loader’s tree also have this mechanics at beginning, but I forgot it’s name BRUH

Jasperfr “Antreematter Dimensions”
Loader “PT Dimensional Respecced”


Just played DespATPT (an officially supported continuation of The Prestige Tree Alternate) with factories (not made in TMT, though)


The Christmas Tree has toys


I think there is a different type of polynomial growth:
boost X gain by the amount of X raised to n, where n is slightly smaller than 1
If you solve the differential equation, you will find that X ~ t^(1/(1-n)), so this is also polynomial
I’ve seen this mechanism in Tree of Life, which is still being actively updated


Interesting. I haven’t thought of this…

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huh. polynomial growth i have been playing milestone tree and hyper prestige points is good right now

and then super prestige then prestige but atomic makes hyper but atomic can be produced

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This wouldn’t fit the definition of polynomial growth? Those are just different layers that use previous points as a base, while with polynomial growth, you have games like Antreematter Dimensions where higher dimensions directly produce the one below them, which happens in the same layer.

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um i have one more which is prestreestuck

at space layer

um maybe not because you already used it

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Tuba’s Tree 2 has Shard Generators

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