@Shinwmyste add a folder named “code_library” that includes every single line of code needed to make an full TM table mod.
@Shinwmyste , are you active? please…
Sorry, I haven’t looked at the forum for a long time until my friend told me about this post
For your question, TMTa is essentially no different from TMT, and I have commented on all the code that is different from TMT.
If you or anyone else wants to use TMTa in the future, I’ll write a doc if needed
TMTa had a lot of problems before, so I didn’t post TMTa on the forums, I didn’t think anyone would pay attention…
But in any case, the basic functions of TMTa have been perfected
(use translator in reply)
These days I’ve improved and modified The Modding Table, and TMTa now has proper documentation(The-Modding-Table/docs/TMTa.md at main · shenmi124/The-Modding-Table · GitHub)
(Here is the content of the doc)
- Actually, there is no difference between the use of TMTa and TMT, so please refer to the TMT documentation
- TMT Documentation: The-Modding-Tree/docs/!general-info.md at master · Acamaeda/The-Modding-Tree · GitHub
True Doc:
Subtabs cannot be used, but you can still use tabFormat and microtabs
- In TMTa, there are significant changes to tabFormat, which is why subtabs are not supported
An optional feature has been added to microtabs:
name (and nameI18N): This allows you to change the display name of microtabs without affecting their ID
Added two options related to table buttons(such as nodeStyle):
- activeStyle: It can change the tab style when it is selected
- hoverStyle: It can change the tab style when it is hovered over
About i18n:
Added 2 optional in modInfo:
- internationalizationMod: When true, the game will prompt players to select a (usually Chinese/English) at the start
- changedDefaultLanguage: Changes the mod default language. false → English, true → Chinese
After use internationalizationMod:
- Add I18N to any component option that may return text (e.g. nameI18N) as the second language (except for grid tooltip, which doesnt have corresponding bilingual support)
- Use function i18n(text, otherText) to return text in two different languages. Typically, text is English and otherText is Chinese. If changedDefaultLanguage is true, its reversed
- You can delete the second name from each option if internationalizationMod is not enabled.
- TMT has too much text content, I cannot guarantee all text-returning options are covered, please let me know if there is anything missing
Changed the save and encode mod.
- Now allows other characters and languages (e.g. Chinese) in the save (for e.g. microtabs)
The remaining changes are documented in layer.js and mod.js
- 实际上TMTa和TMT并没有什么不同,所以你可以去看TMT的doc
- 因为TMTa对tabFormat改动比较大,导致在更新中Subtab失去了其应有的功能
name(以及nameI18N): 可以修改microtabs的显示名称,同时不会改变其id
增加了两个可选项对于tab button(用法同nodeStyle):
- activeStyle: 当tab被选中时生效的style
- hoverStyle: 当鼠标在tab上的时候生效的style
- internationalizationMod: 启用时,在游戏的一开始会询问玩家选择一项语言(中文/英文),并启用双语
- changedDefaultLanguage: 改变模板默认语言,关闭时为英文,开启为中文
- 在任意可能返回文字的组件可选项后加上I18N(例: nameI18N)作为第二种使用的语言(但是gird的tooltip是个例外,gird的tooltip没有对应的双语)
- 使用函数i18n(text, otherText)返回两种不同语言的文字,通常来说text为英文,otherText为中文.如果changedDefaultLanguage启用则相反
- 如果没有用到i18n你可以删除所有第二种语言的可选项
- TMT的文本量太大了,我无法保证所有能够返回文字的可选项,如果有遗漏请告诉我
- 现在存档可以储存其他的图标或者语言(用于例如microtabs).