Stuck on ArcTree

Been giving ArcTree a try recently, however despite there seemingly being more content beyond the Light and Dark nodes I appear to be stuck at 32 Light and 33 Dark.

The next upgrades are both at 35 L or D and it currently feels like reaching those values could take weeks?

The next achievement mentions a softcap, but I cannot see how to earn it so I’m assuming it activates after the L or D 35 upgrade, unless I’m missing something and that would shoot me forward?

Help please?


there are some slow moments in this mod so while I don’t remember this part specifically I want to say it’s possible you’re not missing anything and it actually just takes awhile. If you are at a point with choices, of course continue trying different picks


Only choice appear to be to hold M to earn points towards L or not hold M to earn points towards D, but either way the progress is horribly slow.

Only toggles I have is to auto-hold M or reset the Memory upgrades


When you grind for D, do you make sure to NOT buy 'directly transfer '?

At this stage this makes a big difference and if I remember correctly your D should be a bit ahead at that point in time, so this might be the issue.


Well…there’s the problem!


That explains what the reset button was for, I just didn’t pay attention and kept buying everything again


Any tips on how to apply Institutions? I only have 4 IPs at the moment and have been fiddling about with where I assign them, but not making a lot of progress atm


Nevermind, I think I’m managing okay…seems pretty near to the end of the Mod so getting help here may end it too soon for me :o


There is still a decent amount of content ahead but Instituions are really the only layer I did not like too much. Sadly it stays relevant until the end of content. But yes, you are much nearer to the end then the beginning :wink:


Yeah, it reminds me of “flaws” I see in other incrementals…i say flaws but really I just mean features I don’t like. Which in this case is the need to constantly fiddle with an ever increasing number of options till you stumble on the right combination to progress. Loved calculator evolution till I found myself using a spreadsheet thingy to understand what I needed to do with the labs…which completely ruined the experience.

Ended up going off The Tree of Life mod for the same reason, great mod, but just got too complex to be fun around the Neurons bit of the game


err, okay…changed my mind, I may need help. My progress towards the 6th IF is taking ages despite me fiddling about with IF settings…ugh


So what I can remember from the early stages: One setup for pushing IFs with England at the Core and then Norway and Poland to support.

And another setup for pushing other stuff as there is no reset when you change settings. For me it was always Germany and not France, later add US but I think that comes later. You can also use poland to push Germany.

At your point you might need something else to push as well, maybe Russia first and then Germany or the other way around. Egypt was always helpful as well