There is no reason AT ALL for this to exist


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‮testing this thing or whatever, idk

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I personally am very excited for these forums. Besides that I think it’ll do a much better job at letting people be notified of the mod updates they care about, and effectively let every mod have a discussion channel, I think there’s a lot we can do here to make it more “TMT” than discord is. We can customize this to be as optimal as possible for this specific community.

I appreciate you signing up despite your reservations. I hope with time your mind may change :slight_smile:


Is it really the TMT forums if you used Discourse and not TMT? /j

this is an edit, give me my badge >:(


I was talking about this thread, not the forums

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no lol, we’re not giving you badge

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i edited the message but it didnt do the thing :pensive:

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