Bdh2022's TMT review

Reviews 0~14/Non-TMT reviews Dates are month/day/year


3/28/2024 Finished review 74. Added “Non-TMT reviews”
3/29/2024[Upd]Added reviews 75A~75C. Finished reviews 75A, 75B
3/30/2024[Upd0]Finished review 75C. Added review 76
3/31/2024[Upd1]Finished review 76. Added/finished review 77. Updated review 17 to fit v1.4
4/1/2024[April1]Added 3 joke game(78~80) reviews
1.Added reviews 81~83. Finished reviews 78~82A. 2.Updated review 12 to fit v1.5.2.1
3.Updated review 71 to fit v2.13

4/2/2024[Upd2]Updated review 17 to fit v1.4.1. Added reviews 84~85A. Finished reviews 83~85A
4/3/2024[Upd3]Added review 86
4/4/2024[Upd4]Updated review 2 to fit v0.7.1
1.Added reviews 75D~75F, 87, 88. 2.Finished reviews 75D, 75E

4/5/2024[Upd5]Finished reviews 87-88
4/7/2024[Upd6]Added/finished review 89
4/10/2024[Upd7]Finished review 90. Added reviews 90~91
4/11/2024[Upd8]Updated reviews 2, 71 to fit upd. Added reviews 92~94. Finished reviews 91, 93
4/18/2024[Upd9]Added reviews 95~97. Finished reviews 94~97
4/19/2024[Review 100]Added reviews 98~100. Finished reviews 98, 100
4/21/2024[Upd10]Updated review 71 to fit v2.3
1.Plant Tree status is inactive. 2.Added/finished review 101


4/25/2024[Rank Upd]Changed overall rank
4/27/2024[Upd11]Finished review 92. Added review 102
4/28/2024[Upd12]Finished reviews 75F, 102
5/2/2024[Upd13]Added/Finished review 103. Updated review 12 to fit v1.5.3
5/6/2024[Upd14]Added reviews 104~106. Finished reviews 104, 106
5/14/2024[Upd15]Finished review 105
5/16/2024[Upd16]Updated review 12 to fit v1.6. Added review 11A. Finished review 99
5/19/2024[Replace]Updated review 12 to fit v1.6.1.2. Changed review 57
5/21/2024[Upd17]Added reviews 107~109. Finished reviews 107~108B
5/30/2024[Split]Review 12 is active&updated it to fit v1.205
1.Finished review 109. 2.Split changelog

6/3/2024[TE]Added True Endgame. Changed changelog. Added/finished review 2A
6/4/2024[Upd19]Updated review 71 to fit v2.5.1
6/11/2024[Upd20]Updated review 12 to fit v1.263. Updated review 13 to fit v1.6.2
6/16/2024[Replace0]Changed review 88
6/22/2024[Replace1]Changed review 85. Removed review 85A. Added/Finished reviews 1A, 110
6/25/2024[Upd21]Added reviews 111-112. Finished review 111
7/9/2024[Upd22]Updated review 71 to fit v3.0.3. Finished review 112 part 4
8/8/2024[Upd23]Updated review 71 to fit v3.1.3. Finished review 112 part 2
8/15/2024[TE+]Added Truer Endgame. Updated review 13 to v1.6.2.1


Split changelog. Added reviews 113-114. Finished review 113
Split review 71. Updated it to v3.2.MBF+

15.Le Boring Tree*(Cookina**) link
*Also “LBT”. Based on v1.5.2 **Also “Momentcookie”


Topic: None but references to “Among Us(Layer 1)”, “Grass Cutting Incremental(decelerator)”, “Prestige Tree(AB)”, and “Antimatter Dimensions(DIEmensions)”.
Length: 12~15 hrs. Endgame: e15 charge. True Endgame: Max generators

Layers: 11 layers. “Amogus” layer ups and AB buyables are always kept when you have 3+ boosters. Also all milestones, goals, chals, DV/DP ups, all inf/GH?/Steel layer stuff, all prestige/crystal/Automation ups are always kept. Inf layer has a long chal(Decelerator) that has new layers(which are also GCI reference), after that sometimes you need to exit or enter it again. Later you unlock Anti-Deadly, whose rewards are boosted by the least DS/DB in this chal.

Balancing: Normal speed. There’s no strategy until unlocking the row 4 booster ups. After unlocking it, you should swap chess pieces a lot, but only use “Pawns”, “White Bishop”, “Rooks”. Use this strategy until unlocking DV, and you’ll get all pieces after that. You can’t get “DIEmension Upgrade D5” normally. To get it, respec pieces and only max out “Black Knight” and wait 1-2 mins. And respec and buy nothing until the next up. After that, buy all pieces and don’t respec again. At some point you’re stuck again, then check pieces again and you’ll find there are 2 new ones, and buy both. Grinding for the end is a timewall, keep in mind that you’ll wait for max foundry time before resets.

Misc: You can change notation. You can choose light theme(don’t do it) and easier modes. Export is broken before v1.5.2, but it works now.

Conclusion: This tree has a normal balance and a good amount of length, except for the endgame balancing. And there are strategies in the mid game. So it’s fun, unlike the “Boring” in name.

Ranks: Content 4/5, Balancing 4/5, Uniqueness 4/5, Overall 4/5

16.Le Stupid Tree Game*(Cookina) link
*Also LSTG, and is mod of “Oleg’s Very Good Tree”. Based on v1.4


Topic: Tree with NG-X theme. But NG-X is changed to NM+X(Nightmare), up to NM+9. Some things are references to “Among Us”.
Length: 3 hrs. Endgame: All achs

Layers: 8 layers. All things(except the UB layer and goals) are reset on UB. And getting UB gives you nerf but unlocks something. Some goals have rewards, which are important. There are 2 puzzles that are needed to progress.

Balancing: Normal speed but grindy. You’ll spam click the UP reset button for UB req. And the 1st puzzle(SB ups) can be solved easily if you saw hints in each up. But the 2nd one(“Suspicious Behavior.” goal) will be hard if you didn’t play “Among Us”, since it gives almost no hints. Here’s answer: Get II~VI, IX~XII, XIV, XVI. Numbruh tab in UB layer is easy, despite warnings.

Misc: Some ach names can be changed with progression. There’s a secret after endgame

Conclusion: It’s more fun than MVGT, but some achs should be changed I think, since they made it less fun.
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 3/5

17.Le Underrated Forest*(Cookina) link
*Based on v1.4.1. Also LUF


Topic: A TMT inspired by Multitree(Review 12). It has 5 trees, but newer ones. Original versions of trees 1(Operator Tree) and 4(The Meta Upgrades Incremental) don’t work.
Length: 9-12 hrs. Endgame: e435 points

Layers: 6/5/4/3/3 layers(except side) in each tree(20 total), 3 side layers. Tree 2(YACT:A) is harder than original, especially tier 3. Tree 4 is easier than original. Achs aren’t important. Points are capped at e308 and you can go singularity(side layer 2) at limit, wiping ALL prior stuff except side layers 1-2. Singularity buffs point cap and produce singularity power.

Balancing: Fast. You won’t encounter timewalls, except that you’ll wait for a while for v0.1 of Tree 5(Incremental God Tree). Tier 3 power in tree 2 needs some strategy, as the variable “a” is stronger than “b”, “c”, but putting all points in “a” isn’t optimal. So you should choose wisely. Chals 2~3 in Tier 3 power also require strategy.

Layer 3 in tree 4 is also a strategic layer, as you can choose the limited number of upgrades. In contrast, trees 1 and 3 aren’t strategic at all. And if you’re stuck then something must be missing. And Tier 5 power in tree 2 has many boosts but you can only select 1. You can change the boost choice but forces a Tier 5 reset, so Tier 5 power is also a strategic layer unlike the original. Singularity reset is bad because it wipes all stuff but recovering will be much faster

Misc: You can change notation, decimals. You can pause in side layer 1. Secret exists
Conclusion: It was as fun as Multitree. And this tree executed the original trees very well
Ranks: Content: 4/5, Balancing 5/5, Uniqueness 5/5, Overall 4.8/5

18.The Plant Tree*(thenonymous)Githack link/ link
*Based on v13.1


Topic: Plants and environment. All reset layers are static. Non-reset layers are all capped based on production
Length: 1-2 days. Endgame:6 Quests
True Endgame: 8 Quests, Truer Endgame: 9 Quests

Layers: 9 layers, 4 side layers. Layer 1(Plants) has some ups and buyables. Layers 2(Gardens) and 3(Zones) reset layers 1 and 4(Wildlife; except ups), which has milestones and ups. Layer 2 also has 4 buyables. Layer 3 also has 4 chals that unlock new content. Layer 4 has some ups and a buyable.

Side layer 2(Research) only resets points and Research time, which has 12 buyables and 15 ups, some of which are unlocked later. Side layer 2 is kept on rows 1 and 2. Trees is the sub reset layer of plants, which only resets leaves(which is unlocked at the 2nd tree up), which also has 3 buyables, some QoL milestones and many ups.

Layer 5(Ecosystems) resets all prior stuff, except that achievements are kept and Side layers are still unlocked. Layer 5 has some QoL milestones, 8 ups and a buyable. It also has 2 abilities whose effect is temporary. Fish is another sub reset layer, which only resets ecology and wildlife. It has 12 ups. Layer 6(Reclaimed Ecosystems) forces a layer 5 reset, which has 3 chals and some milstones(QoL).

Side layer 3(Natural Disasters) requires unlocking, which will wipe your “ALL” progress except achievements. In addition, this will also massively nerf leaves effect(x->log10(x+1). But it will also unlock new challenges, upgrades. In addition, rows 1 and 2 are automated upon unlocking it. Sadly, starting any challenges in this layer will also force a side layer 3 reset and your leave effect gets nerfed again, by the same formula. Some time later, Research minigame is unlocked and also some tree ups are unlocked, but buying them will reset trees, leaves, and all prior tree ups(only including new ones).

Layer 7(Conservation sites) will reset “ALL” progress, except achievements. But it’ll make Side layer 3 nerf removed until you unlock it again. Also you’ll unlock a unique hotkey for Layer 1, and new ups will be a new QoL. Bugs are the chal in side layer 3, which has 3 new resources.

Layer 8(Mountain) only resets points, but their amount is reset on row 3 resets. Layer 8 has ups, milestones, and buyables, which are never reset(for now) and are also powerful. Note that layer 8 buyables have cooldowns, which are reduced by their amount.
Side layer 4(Navigation) only has a switch, which will unlock new planet.
Layer 9(Quests) has many buyables. Getting quests will reset layer 9, but nothing else.

Balancing: Normal speed and a bit grindy. The game is very well-balanced, except v9 content, due to their chals being confusing at first. And research minigame will be confusing at first, because the token cost and minigame score increase based on tokens and completed rows, but the game didn’t make it clear. Also you’ll grind buyables in early-game.

Misc: You can change devspeed. Save bank exists. You can find both in “Achievements”
Conclusion: This tree has excellent balancing almost all the time, which is hard to see in the long tree. In addition, there’s no non-static reset layers, which is insanely hard to see in the long tree. So I like this tree much.

Ranks: Content 5/5, Balancing 4/5, Uniqueness 5/5, Overall 4.5/5

19.NG+ Tree(thenonymous) link


Topic: A ripoff mod of “My Very Good Tree” and “Prestige Tree”, but unlike other NG-themed trees, it has “NG+” and “NG-” layers in one tree. Both reset all main layers, and “NG-” resets “NG+”.
Length: 3 hrs. Endgame: NG-5

Layers: 6 layers and 2 side layers. And 4 of the layers are main layer, the other 2 are NG layer. NG+ buffs main layers, while NG- nerfs them. But to go further, both are needed, as NG- unlocks new contents. Also “Achievements” side layer unlocks at NG-3, which is very important. And row 2 main layers reset row 1 layer, and row 3 main layer resets row 1, 2 layers. And “Force Subtraction Reset” button appears at NG-4, which forces NG- reset without reward. This button exists in case you’re stuck.(But not needed if you unlocked G layer before B layer)

Balancing: Normal speed but very grindy. You’ll spam row 1 reset clicks a lot before 6 generators, but after getting 6 of them, it doesn’t need until NG+ or NG- reset.

Misc: Generator Power and Time energy goes negative starting at NG-3, until curruption at NG-4, but this doesn’t affect point gain at all. And after Curruption, “Generator” becomes “Generaor”, but it does nothing as well. NG+1 description in addition layer changes at NG-3.

Conclusion: It was an average NG themed tree, for being very grindy.
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 3/5

20.Prestige Tree Classic*(Jacorb90**) link
*Also “TPTC”, “PTC”. Based on v1.2
**Also “Jacorb”. “Egg is the next mechanic”-Jacorb


Topic: No topic, but it’s the 1st game that looks like TMT, and all TMTs are modded from this. Jacorb co-worked with Aarex when developing this
Length: 11-13 hrs. Endgame: ee11 points

Layers: 22 layers. That’s a lot of layers, but some of them(SB/SG/HB) are almost empty. Also some layers’ req go up when you select others. For example, booster req go up when you unlocked generators, and vice versa. Also when you select T layer, E and S layers’ req go up which also affect their further req, until you buy a certain up. Selecting E/S layer causes the same to happen. Some layers in row 6/7 requires strategy. All chals are only available in the H/GE layer.

Balancing: Normal speed but grindy. You’ll grind for reset clicks a lot. Also you may be confused after unlocking “Mechanical Challenges”, because simply clicking on it doesn’t let you start it. Here’s how it works: You should click 2 different chals to start, and its nerf is the selected ones combined. And if you tried all possible combos, then you beaten all of them. And if you’re stuck there should be something missing or you just have to grind more.

Conclusion: Although it’s the 1st trial to make a “tree”, some grindy parts aren’t good. However, it’s balanced well and it’s worth trying if you want to see the original or you’re a “TMT Beginner”.
Ranks: Content 4/5, Balancing 4/5, Uniqueness 4/5, Overall 4/5

21.Prestige Tree Rewritten*(Jacorb90) link
*Also “Prestige Tree”, “PTR”, “TPTR”, or “TPT”. Based on v1.3


Topic: A Rewrite of “Prestige Tree Classic”. Early game is similar to the original but rows 4-7 are changed. Added and changed some layers.
Length: 20-24 hrs. Endgame:e3.14e16 points

Layers: 28 layers. SB, SG layers are empty. And some layers’ req go up when you select the others. Most of quirk ups’ cost go up over time, but reset on quirk reset. Unlike the original, challenges are only included in the H layer. Achs are VERY important to progress, and some of them can only be gotten with some conditions.

Balancing: Normal speed, but very grindy and slow at the Imperium layer. In the balance energy layer, you have to place a bar to the right extreme, then the left extreme, as the bar in the middle is less powerful. If you’re doing “Upgrade Desert”, you should buy ups carefully. And the imperium layer is hell, as you should grind row 6 resources every inflation by so much. In this layer progression is the SLOWEST in this tree, so it’ll take 6+ hrs in this layer. Also don’t forget buying “Phantom Boosters”, “Stellar Clusters”, new ups, and ach. After reaching row 7 it’ll be normal again, except that mastering the HN layer will be hard.

Misc: You can change to old style. A side layer showing all softcaps can be hidden. In info tab you can see the 1st reset time for each layer. Holding buyables doesn’t work.

Conclusion: Though this was a little more fun than the original, the imperium layer became MUCH harder and longer, so this layer was very boring. Note that the imperium layer took over 30% of the time to beat the game.

Ranks: Content 5/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 5/5, Overall 4/5

22.Yet Another Challenge Tree*(42UR3**) link
*Also “YACT:A”. **Also “new42ur3jeans”


Topic: Challenges. There are both one-time and repeatable chals in this tree. Buyables and milestones also exist, but not ups.

Length: 40-60 mins. Endgame: 1 infinity
Layers: 6 layers. All layers have lore. And all layers except the last are named “Tier x power”, where x is 1~5. Layer 6 is empty and is the endgame. All chals except the ones in layer 1 are repeatable.

Balancing: Fast and easy. It’s so fast that you’ll be busy doing things in this game. Also it has no timewalls at all. Tiers 3-4 are strategic, but still easy. If you’re stuck, you’re missing something.

Misc: The lore in each layer is about the person who accidentally entered the incremental kingdom. In the lore in layer 6 this person exits this kingdom and realizes that this is a dream.

Conclusion: Although the lore is made very well, the actual game isn’t. Because it’s too fast and lacks content. I think this game really needs balancing and more content.

Ranks: Content 2/5, Balancing 2/5, Uniqueness 5/5, Overall 2.9/5

23.The Goime Tree(42UR3)


Topic: A TMT inspired from “Goime 500”, which uses Adobe Flash. It has many achievements.
Length: 5-8 mins
Layers: 5 layers. All of them have achievements. Dice layer has achievements that can’t be beaten.

Balancing: Very fast and very easy. You can get an endgame without any timewalls or grinding. But you can grind more for some dice achievements.

Conclusion: The game is unique, but is way too easy and is also very contentless. After you beat it, you’ll forget about this tree or you’ll be sad due to its missed potential.
Ranks: Content 0/5, Balancing 2/5, Uniqueness 5/5, Overall: 2/5

24.The Challenge Tree(Patfr)


Topic: Challenges. It has no tree. All layers have chals, milestones, and ups. Length: 2-3 hrs

Layers: 3 layers. Layer 2 resets layer 1, and Layer 3 resets layers 1-2. But layers 2 and 3 have milestones that keep some stuff. Layer 1 also has milestones, which give boosts. Most chals are repeatable, with limits.

Balancing: Fast. This game has no long timewalls. And this tree isn’t strategic at all. But layers 2 and 3 will be grindy.

Misc: You can’t go past the end.
Conclusion: This tree’s balancing is very good, and this tree has decent amount of content as well. And this tree is unique due to having no tree.
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 5/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 4/5

25.The Conversion Tree(Patfr)


Topic: Converting, which occurs automatically and resets all prior layers.
Length: 1 hr. Endgame:1 Rebirth
Layers: 5 layers. The last layer is empty. The first 4 layers have own effects based on them.(layer 1 effect is unlocked when you buy “Inflation?”.) And layer 2-4 have milestones that keep something.

Balancing: Normal speed, although the disclaimer said that this game is slow.
Conclusion: The balance was good for me but there are no variations and a bit short.
Ranks: Content 1/5, Balancing 4/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 3.1/5

26.Antimatter Dimensions Tree(Some devs*)
*downvoid, epicness1582, gapples2, Yahtzee


Topic: Just an AD but in TMT. Also has a news ticker. Some of them only exist in this tree(example: You are 33% Despacit-Talp)
Length: 18-23 hrs. Endgame:48 achs
True Endgame: 2e7 IP

Layers: 2 layers, 3 side layers. C9 is changed to “All Dimension scales twice as fast, but tickspeed is raised to the 1.1” And C7 is changed to “Multiplier per 10 dimensions is 1.7”. But C9 has a bug that 2nd Dimension is unaffected by C9’s nerf. But C9 is still the hardest, and actually much harder than the original, but you don’t need to turn autobuyers off in C9 unlike AD. I recommend trying C9 after buying 80 IP up, giving passive IP(bug).

Balancing: Similar to AD but a bit faster. That is, the game is very slow but faster than the original. This tree has many bugs and you’ll notice them.

Misc: Breaking infinity can’t be undone, makes all autobuyers buy max, and unlocks new ups. Some achievements are changed, for example: “Definitely not worth it”->”Definitely worth it”(unlocked after buying a break infinity up)

Conclusion: This tree was similar to AD, but there are quite a few bugs that are annoying.
Ranks: Content 4/5, Balancing 2/5, Uniqueness 1/5, Overall 2.1/5

27.A Prestige Tree Mod about Merging*(despacit**)
*Also “APTMAM”. **Also “Technokaguya”


Topic: Merging. It’s inspired from “Scrap Clicker 2”.
Length: 10-12 hrs. Endgame:1 scrap True Endgame: Max all treasures’ free lvs
Truer Endgame: e5 scrap

Layers: 5 layers and a side layer. Mergeables exist at layer 1, 2, and 5. You should merge them manually at first. But you’ll unlock auto merge in layer 1 and 2. Auto merge isn’t useful at first, but in the late-game their speed will be so fast that manual merge is useless. Layer 4 is a treasure layer, which is a gacha mechanic. Layer 2 resets layer 1 and scores. Layer 3 forces layer 2 reset and resets layer 2 as well. Layer 5 is unlocked when you maxed out a treasure.

Balancing: Slow and very grindy. You’ll grind manual merges a lot until late game. Also for layer 4, maxing out non-bonus levels isn’t hard, but maxing out bonus levels is very hard if you’re unlucky, as bonus levels are random.

Misc: You can’t make tier 10+ scrap mergeables. Holding buyables doesn’t work.
Conclusion: The game is unique, and has a good amount of content. But it’s way too grindy, so you may be bored. But you should try it if you’re looking for a unique/grindy TMT.

Ranks: Content 4/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 5/5, Overall 3.8/5

28.Anti-Incrematter Tree*(ee6)


Topic: Similar to AD but replaced dimensions to buyables. Length: 1-2 days. Endgame:e53 IP

Layers: 2 layers. Layer 1 has only 6 buyables in pre-layer 2, but you unlock 3 more at break infinity. You can’t go beyond 1.7977e308 Antimatter until you break infinity. Normal challenges in layer 2 are all changed, and they give boosts instead of automation. After breaking infinity, you unlock new ups and “IP Multiplier”. The 1st break infinity up unlocks Infinity power, 2nd~9th of them need infinity power, and the rest need IC1 completions.

Balancing: Very slow. Pre-Challenge is normal but after that you should expect timewalls that last 20+ mins. And you’ll grind infinities a lot, but fortunately due to auto infinities it turned into timewalls. If you’ve just done 11 IC1, then you should grind IP very much until e53 IP. However, IP gain beyond e50 is nerfed so the grinding will be longer than expected.

Misc: In the stats side layer you can see “Antimatter representation”. “Producer is OP” achievement is bugged so you can get it much easier.
Conclusion: This tree has many contents. But timewalls makes this game very boring and slow.
Ranks: Content 4/5, Balancing 2/5, Uniqueness 2/5, Overall 2.4/5

29.The Prestige Rectangle*(gapples2) Glitch link(end can’t be gotten)


Topic: Rectangular TMT. Intended to be grindy.
Length: 7-10 hrs. Endgame:All achievements

Layers: 6 layers. All layers reset all prior stuff except achievements. But layer 1-3 have no QoL and layer 4-6 have QoL. Entering “The Prestige Triangle” in layer 5 forces layer 5 reset and removes layer 1. And Finishing it gives good rewards, you can finish it up to 5 times. Entering “The challenge” in layer 6 forces layer 6 reset.

Balancing: Normal speed but grindy. In both normal and grindless mode you should spam layer 1-4, and layer 6 clicks a lot. And if you unlocked “The challenge”, the gameplay becomes very strategic because you should choose nerfs wisely. You may think this is very hard, but fortunately there are some tips in layer 6. Here’s some extra tips if you’re stuck: Always remove: All L3 ups except the first, Keeper I, Keeper II, Don’t remove: Point Boosters, Keeper III, and all doubler-related ups. And push DE as much as possible before entering “The Challenge”. And if you’re almost at the end, keep in mind: you should remove all nerfs in “The Challenge” and set “The Prestige Triangle” limit to 10. And enter it and just do a normal run. Then you’ll notice that your gains are boosted.

Misc: You can enter “Grindless” mode, which reduces the grind.
Conclusion: This tree was fun for me, because it has many variations. But the extreme grind and the extreme strategy in the late game makes this game very hard.

Ranks: Content 4/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 3.2/5

1 Like

30.Number Tree: Extended*(gapples2)
*Based on v0.3.2.1


Topic: Numbers and math. Length: 5-6 hrs. Endgame:1 Formula

Layers: 14 layers. Last 3 layers are empty. Row 2 layers reset row 1, Row 3 layers reset row 1 and row 2, row 4 layers reset row 1-3, 12th layer reset row 1-4. Layer 13 resets all prior stuff and gives nerf but adds stuff. Some stuff is removed as you play. For example NN layer is removed after beating last NN Chal. And most of layer 1-3 contents are removed as you progress, but layer 3 gets new stuff later. Also the “Exponentiation” tab in MS layer is removed after getting the last up in it. “GO META” button appears in the E layer later, which vastly inflates almost all stuff and unlocks new stuff in MS.

Balancing: Fast but grindy. You’ll click ups after a reset. Also some ups can only be bought in chals, which is annoying after resets, since it makes you enter chals again. Don’t hide chals in settings. Milestone popup is annoying too because, after a row 4 reset, many popups appear. But you can’t remove them. If you’re stuck at row 4, just grind or enter “Choose” without nerf. There are some points that you should check achs.

Misc: If you unlocked the “upgrade power” in UF layer and you’re in it, clicking UF node hides the stuff in it. But it can be solved by clicking “upgrade power” tab.

Conclusion: The game is balanced very well. But there are so many distractions, such as milestone pop ups and some upgrades. It’ll be better if there’s a toggle to hide milestone pop ups
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 3/5

31.The longest Tree*(Circle-gon**) link
*Also “The Biggest Tree”(Not longest) **Also “Incremental_gamer”


Topic: A sequel to “The Longest Incremental(TLI)”.(Not longest) Both are made by many devs and intended to be the longest, but are abandoned.
Length: 1-2 hrs. Endgame:6th Reputation upgrade

Layers: 4 layers, 2 side layers. Layer 1 has ups and “Garbage Collector” and “Garbage Incinerator” clickables. Difficulty layer nerfs points, but it becomes a buff later on. And there are 2 universes, one is normal and the other has a “Reputation” layer, which has ups that aren’t reset on difficulty.

Balancing: Slow and grindy. You’ll click layer 1 clicks a lot after a Difficulty reset.
Misc: The bees side layer does nothing.

Conclusion: Despite its name, this tree isn’t long. In addition, it was painful for me, due to slowness, especially in early game.
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 2/5, Uniqueness 4/5, Overall 2.8/5

32.The Prestreestuck*(ducdat0507) link
*Based on v0., so it isn’t the “retcon” one
Warning: I didn’t read “homestuck”. If you’re “homestuck” fan, expect poor explanation for it, sorry.


Topic: Getting “Aspects” and “Classes” in homestuck, and gettingmeta and meta-meta
Length: 2-3 days. Endgame:Max Sburb

Layers: 18 layers. This tree has 3 parts.Part 1 is about 12 aspects and early skaia. Part 2 is about classes, late skaia, and Prospit/Derse. Part 3 is about Meta-Meta, limitations, and faucets The number of layers is reduced each part, part 1 has 13 layers, while part 2 has 5 and part 3 only has 1 layer. However, part 3 isn’t the shortest of all, part 2 is. Because part 3 layer has a LOT of tabs.

Balancing: Slow. The last 2 part 1 layers are especially slow, you may wait for 15+ mins between ups in those layers. Part 2 is the least interesting part, because it’s the shortest and has the least variations. Part 3 is very painful, because it has several timewalls and, limitations and sacrifices reset all prior progress, which makes you grind again, and yet again after their resets.

Misc: You can close all milestone pop ups, making them less annoying.
Conclusion: I could play this game despite not knowing homestuck at all, due to not being needed in this tree. However, the game was very painful due to its slowness and timewalls.

Ranks: Content 5/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 5/5, Overall 4/5

33.Inflation Tree Plus*(Despacit)
*Some people say it’s finished. But dev disagreed


Topic: Inflation. After getting F1.8e308(limit), point gain is logged. But you unlock a layer(max 3).
Length: 20-35 mins. Endgame:100 Inflated games
Layers: 5 layers. Each layer resets all higher rows. And this tree has no buyables or chals.

Balancing: Fast and easy. While getting 1 ID is super easy, getting more of them is harder. But it’s still easy. ID resets nothing at some point, after that getting 100 of them is super easy again. So this tree needs a slower balancing as well as new content.

Conclusion: This tree lacks a variation. And it was too short.
Ranks: Content 1/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 1/5, Overall 2/5

34.Finish a despacit mod tree(downvoid) link


Topic: Finishing a despacit mod. But it isn’t as easy as it seems.
Length: 30-45 mins. Endgame:1 Finished despacit mod

Layers: 4 layers. But the F layer is empty. Layer 1 is about developing mods. But if the progress reaches 99%, you no longer progress and start to abandon your mods. Layer 2 is about those abandoned mods. Later on, you finally end up abandoning 1e6 of them. Then you unlock layer 3, which is about reducing the softcaps. If you push enough in layer 3, you finish a despacit mod.More than e7 mods left

Balancing: Fast, easy. You’ll never struggle in this game. Layer 2 is a bit grindy though.
Misc: You can’t go beyond the end. Holding buyables doesn’t work.
Conclusion: This tree is unique, but the lack of content makes this game less fun.
Ranks: Content 2/5, Balancing 4/5, Uniqueness 4/5, Overall 3.6/5

35.Antreematter Dimensions(Jasper*)
*Also “Jasperfr”. Based on v1.6.0


Topic: A mod of AD, but a bit different. Length: 3-4 hrs
Endgame: 4k IP, True Endgame: e5 IP, Truer Endgame: e7 IP

Layers: 4 layers. Layer 1 is about dimensions and their autobuyers. Layer 2 resets layer 1, which has speedrun milestones, ups, and buyables. Layer 3 resets layer 1 and 2, which has a merge minigame. Layer 4 resets layer 1-3, which has tree ups, chals, new dimensions

Balancing: Fast. But you may struggle a bit at layer 2 speedrun. Also challenge 2 in layer 4 is “puzzle game”, but it gets easier with every chal completions. So I recommend you to try challenge 2 last if you’re bad at puzzles, but if you’re very good at puzzles, it’s worth trying challenge 2 first. And you can go beyond the endgame until “Infinity dimensions”

Misc: Red glow for layer 4 is bugged so layer 4 still glows even if you buy all their ups. Some achs can’t be gotten due to bugs

Conclusion: The game is much funnier than the original AD(I hate AD due to INSANE timewalls), since timewalls are greatly reduced. However, the lack of content makes this game less fun. In addition, Challenge 2 is a puzzle, which is confusing and annoying, and I hated it.

Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 3/5

36.Camellia Tree*(ArcanaEden**) link
*Not to be confused with ducdat0507’s rewrite


Topic: Publishing songs. Length: 9-15 mins. Endgame:1 Member
Layers: 4 layers. Layer 1 is about making songs. Layer 2 is about albums. Layer 3 is about improving prior layers. Layer 4 is empty

Balancing: Fast and easy. You’ll never get stuck in this tree. And it lacks content very much
Misc: You can switch to standard notation. And the background color is different from the others
Conclusion: This tree really lacks content. So it’s not worth playing it. However, note that it inspired the “ducdat0507’s rewrite”

Ranks: Content 0/5, Balancing 2/5, Uniqueness 4/5, Overall 2.2/5

37.Electric Tree(Sum)


Topic: Getting money and corrupting politics by growing electricity.
Length: 11-15 hrs. Endgame:25 Corrupt boosts

Layers: 10 layers, 3 side layers. All layers reset all higher rows. Side layers are about corrupting politics. The game concept becomes illegal as you progress.

Balancing: Very Painful. You’ll suffer a lot at “Gotta Go Fast”, which requires speedrun and hotkeys. Here’s a tip for it: Get money and then get workers before autobuy batteries. Use tge r key for max all buyables. Use the u key for max all ups. Get worker chal 1-3(4th one isn’t needed). And after some time you unlock a side layer, this layer’s ups are all timewalls. And the game becomes hell again at some points after that.

Misc: Pressing r key maxes out buyables. Pressing u key maxes out ups. Hotkeys side layer exists for mobile support. There’s a bug that battery buyables don’t show up in “Gotta Go Fast”, which makes it even harder.

Conclusion: It has a good amount of content. But it was painful at all times.
Ranks: Content 4/5, Balancing 2/5, Uniqueness 4/5, Overall 3/5

38.Knockoff Tree(Loader3229)


Topic: “Cookie Clicker” knockoff. But it has some stuff that can’t be found in “Cookie Clicker”, such as AD stuff

Length: 7-10 hrs. Endgame:Upgrade 255
Layers: 4 layers. Layer 1 and layer 2 are about “Cookie Clicker”, but some cookie buildings, ups, and all chals in layer 2 are made by the dev. Layer 2 resets layer 1, 3, and 4. But layer 1 and 3 reset nothing and layer 4 only resets colors. Layer 3 is about “Antimatter dimensions”. Layer 4 is about “colors”, which is more like a minigame.

Balancing: Normal speed but grindy. You’ll click cookie buildings many times. Fortunately, some ups in layer 2 automate buildings without cost. Also you’ll click many ups in layer 1 after resets, but some ups in layer 2 keep some of them.

Misc: Holding buyables doesn’t work.
Conclusion: Despite its name, some content is made by the dev, such as layer 4. And balancing was good. But it was grindy.

Ranks: Content 4/5, Balancing 4/5, Uniqueness 2/5, Overall 3.4/5

39.The Gwarnament Tree*(downvoid) link
*Changelog says it’s last update. Based on v1 :gwa:


Topic: TMT for 2021 Christmas. But with gwa and troll.
Length: 1 hr. Endgame:90 Gwarnaments
Layers: 3 layers. All layers only reset points. And there’s no automation except passive gain for layer 2 and layer 3. Layer 1 is about “gwa”, and has ups and clickables. Layers 2-3 are about trolling. Layer 2 has a chal.

Balancing: Normal speed. Early “more trolling” will be a bit slow. After some point, the trolling amount is massively increased but gets normal at about 1e90 of them. But the production is massively increased again after unlocking gwa clickables. But you can’t get 91+ Gwarnaments due to their scaling.

Misc: It says “Made by Gwarnament#0557” instead of “Made by downvoid#0557”
Conclusion: This tree was made for a special event. And this tree has more content than I think. But the insane inflation in the late game makes me spam clicking.

Ranks: Content 2/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 4/5, Overall 3.1/5

40.Fruit Tree(usi1947)


Topic: Fruits. Length: 3 hrs. Endgame: e90 Dragonfruit
Layers: 4 layers. All layers’ names are fruit names(apple, banana, coconut, and dragonfruit). All layers reset seeds and all prior layers. Layer 3 also has “coconut milk”, which has 30 ups(some of their names are fun for me.). Most of the ups are static boosts, but some ups are not. Milk upgrades 26-30 are unlocked after layer 4, which are really powerful static boosts.

Balancing: Normal speed but easy. The game really lacks strategy or some variations. And since there are no chals or tree ups in this tree, you won’t be stuck in this tree.

Misc: You can’t get last milestone in layer 4.
Conclusion: It has good balancing and decent length, but lacks uniqueness and strategy. And there are only a few ups that are based on some currencies, making all ups in prior layers become useless, except exponential boost.

Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 4/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 3.5/5

41.64 Layers Tree(downvoid*)
*Co-worked with “TheMkeyholder”. Based on v1.2


Topic: Generic TMT. Length: 1 hr. Endgame: 9 layer 4 ups

Layers: 4 layers, unlike the name. Layer 1 has 15 ups and 2 chals. Layer 2 resets layer 1 and has 6 ups and milestones. Milestones in layer 2 is QoL, which keeps or automates layer 1 stuff. Layer 3 and layer 4 resets are the same as layer 2. Layer 3 has 9 ups and 1 buyable. Layer 4 has 9 ups and 1 repeatable chal. Some layer 1 ups are obtained in layer 2. And layer 2 is passively gained later, even if you can’t reset for them.

Balancing: Fast and very easy. You’ll never stuck in it.
Conclusion: It was too fast. And it lacks content and uniqueness. I don’t recommend playing.
Ranks: Content 1/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 1/5, Overall 2/5

42.The Formula Tree*(Unpogged**) Test site
*Not “The Formula” **Also “Kenjie3870”


Topic: Math stuff. Length: 12-15 hrs. Endgame: 16 ach

Layers: 2 layers. Layer 1 is about the formula with buyables. Also it has some automation that is unlocked later on. Layer 2 resets all layer 1 stuff, including their automation. It also has ups, chals, and molecules. Layer 1 req is increased based on itself. Layer 2 req is based on the total amount of itself. Molecules affect things(boosts points, reduces layer 1, 2 req.). Layer 2 chals should be completed in order.

Balancing: Extremely slow and very grindy. You’ll repeat rebirth resets so many times for ups. And it’s annoying that all autos are reset on Rebirth reset.

Conclusion: It wasn’t unique. It was slow, too grindy. It’s contentless, but grinding made it longer.
Ranks: Content 2/5, Balancing 2/5, Uniqueness 2/5, Overall 2/5

43.The Content Tree(Despacit)


Topic: Extending content. Length: 50-60 mins. Endgame:15 Content Unlocks

Layers: 4 layers and 2 side layers. But layer 4 is empty. Side layer 2 resets nothing and provides automation. Side layer 1 resets all prior progress but unlocks new content. Layer 1 has ups. Layer 2 resets layer 1, and there are buildings(buyables) that can be refunded, because layer 2 is a static layer. Layer 3 resets layer 1 as well, and there are buyables(can’t be refunded), and ups that can be refunded. Layer 3 ups’ cost increases based on bought ups in layer 3.

Balancing: Normal speed but strategic. Layer 2 is strategic, as you should choose it wisely. If you don’t unlock building epsilon, then buy all building alpha. Otherwise buy 3 of epsilon and buy all building alpha. Layer 3 ups are strategic as well, so buy them in this order: 3>6>5>4>7~9>1>2

Conclusion: This tree was unique and was fun while it lasted. But this tree was short, and also most layers are strategic ones, which is annoying for me.

Ranks: Content 2/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 4/5, Overall 3.1/5

44.The User Tree(ee6)


Topic: A tree whose ups’ names are TMT discord users.
Length: 2-3 hrs. Endgame: e112100 points

Layers: 4 layers and 4 side layers. Layer 1 has ups. Layer 1 ups’ description also has the corresponding user’s story. Layers 2 and 3 are empty, but have their own effect. Layer 4 has ups that are similar to layer 1. Side layer 1 has your stats. Side layer 2 has 13 achievements, some of which are important. Side layer 3 has permanent chals that are all repeatable, up to 10 times.

Balancing: Normal speed but very grindy. You’ll click for layer 1 reset a lot for their ups, until the passive gain. Layer 4 is also grindy for the same reason.

Misc: Some ups’ effect has the same number as the one in the user’s name. For example, “(Normal-6)okamii17” boosts points by x17 and prestige points by x1.7. “okamii17” made the stardust tree. Side layer 4 does nothing.

Conclusion: The game was fun and had good balancing. Except that some things are grindy.
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 3/5

45.The User Tree 2*(ee6)
*Also “The User Tree 2: Omeganum Edition”, because it uses “Omeganum”, but a modified one


Topic: The same as “The User Tree”. But layers are more like “The Prestige Tree”.
Length: 2-3 hrs. Endgame: In changelog

Layers: 4 layers and 3 side layers. Layer 1 is the same as “The User Tree”. Side layers 2, 3 are the same as side layer 1, 2 in “The User Tree”, respectively. Side layer 1 has 2 buyables. The 1st one generates and then boosts points. The 2nd one unlocks new content. Also you should enter that layer before starting. Layers 2~4 resets layer 1 and have ups. Layer 4 also resets layer 2 and 3, and has a buyable that unlocks QoL and boosts things. But layer 4 buyable is capped at some levels.

Balancing: Same as the user tree, but worse. Layers 1, 4 are grindy.
Misc: “Omeganum.js” is the number library whose number limit is higher than “Break_Eternity.js”. But it’s pointless, as “Break_Infinity.js” is enough. Since its limit is e9e15, while Break_Eternity.js is F1.798e308.

Conclusion: The game was fun as well, but was grindy. And it has a stupidly high number limit, so the export save file will be very long, causing lags if pasted in another place.
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 3/5

46.The Data Tree*(Noth4re) link
*Based on v1.04.


Topic: Computer Data. But it’s a bit different.
Length: 30-40 mins. Endgame: 3MB, 1 EB up, 1 EB

Layers: 4 layers and 1 side layer. Layer 3 only has a reset button that resets layers 1 and 2. Layer 1 has 13 ups and 3 buyables. They’re not generic though. Layer 2 resets layer 1 and has 2 subtabs. The 1st subtab has 7 ups and 2 buyables. The 2nd subtab has 8 ups and 4 buyables. Note that all buyables have max level. Side layer has milestones that provide new content/QoL. Layer 4 resets all prior progress and has only 1 up.

Balancing: Fast. Although before v1.03 it was slow. But you’ll grind some bytes for ups. And KB upgrade 5~7 requires a lot of clicks. But hotkey(K) and “Hold to reset” button help this a lot. If they don’t exist, this should be much harder for both mobile and PC players. Layer 4 resets all prior progress, so it’ll take some time to recover.

Misc: Until v1.02, this game was very slow and grindy. But v1.03 made this game too fast. v1.04 made this game a bit slower. “A” subtab in the MB layer is unlocked when you buy the last AB up, but v1.04 removed this and made the last AB up useless.

Conclusion: This game was fun, but has not so much content. It was still too fast.
Ranks: Content 1/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 2.6/5

47.The Tree Of Death(Patfr)


Topic: Deadly things. Inspired by “The Tree of Life”
Length: 2-2.5 hrs. Endgame: 15 Lethal/Healthy gain

Layers: 3 layers. Layer 1 resets nothing and has 15 ups. Layer 2 resets layer 1 and has milestones and 1 buyable. Layer 3 resets layer 1 and 2, and has milestones in the 1st subtab. Layer 3’s 2nd subtab is reset on layer 3 reset, and has “Venom” that has 3 buyables and 10 ups at first. But at 3 layer 3 resets, “Chemicals” are added to this subtab, which has 2 buyables, and ups. And “Venom” content is extended at 3 resets as well.

Balancing: Normal speed but repetitive. At layer 2 you should repeat layer 2 resets a lot. Layer 3 is a static layer so it’s less repetitive than layer 2. But you should repeat production content after layer 3 resets, so it’s still repetitive. Achievements aren’t that important and all of them don’t require strategy, but note that they multiply layer 1 amount. So if you’re stuck at layer 1, you should wait for them.

Misc: Some achs can’t be completed.
Conclusion: The game was repetitive and short. But it was fun and has some unique content.
Ranks: Content 2/5, Balancing 4/5, Uniqueness 2/5, Overall 3/5

48.The Synergism Tree(Patfr)


Topic: A tree about the game “Synergism
Length: 30-40 mins. Endgame: e8 Diamond,True Endgame: e9 Diamond,Truer Endgame: e10 Diamond

Layers: 4 layers. Layers 1, 2 and 4 reset nothing. Layer 1 has buyables that produce or boost coins. Layers 2 and 4 have ups that boost layer 1. Layer 3 reset layers 1-2, which has buyables boosting coins, and has milestones that automate layer 1. Quarks do nothing, which can be earned by achievements.

Balancing: Fast and easy. Strategies aren’t required at all.
Misc: You can go past the end.
Conclusion: The game executed Synergism’s early game very well. But the game was short.
Ranks: Content 2/5, Balancing 4/5, Uniqueness 2/5, Overall 3/5

49.The Gaming Tree*(medsal15) link/ Githack link
*Based on v0.B.6


Topic: Killing monsters and getting RPG stuff.
Length: 13-16 hrs. Endgame: Alternate row 1

Layers: 9 layers and 5 side layers. Row 1 layers and all side layers reset nothing. Layer 1 is about killing monsters and getting xp. The L layer is about skills and their levels. The Loot layer is about getting items. The L and Loot layers reset all row 1 layers. Boss layer has chals. Main Bosses and Mini Bosses reset row 1 and row 2, which can’t be exited. Main Bosses are entered automatically if requirements are fulfilled. Also Main Bosses unlock new layers. Mini Bosses are unlocked when you beat Main Bosses, which can be entered at any time. Relics are unlocked when you beat Mini Bosses, which unlocks side layers and can be entered at any time. The M layer is about mining. F layer is about crafting advanced materials. The T layer is about chopping trees and getting planks. The S layer is about getting financial stuff, such as investing.

“Alternate” layer is about alternating the layers. Alternated layer 1 is changed to taming monsters;tamed ones produce xp. Alternate M layer is changed to building a city and buildings. The Alternate T layer is changed to gardening;you can unlock seeds and grow plants. Achievements and its alternate version does nothing. Clocks side layer speeds up time in every layer, which can be boosted by spending resources. In the tokens side layer you can swap resources. In magic side layer you can change elements.

Balancing: Very grindy and slow. You’ll struggle in the 2nd boss, even if you got clocks. Boss 3 is hard, due to complex crafting recipe. And it becomes more complex with each boss clear. The late game is easy though.

Conclusion: The game was unique and has much content, but was grindy.
Ranks: Content 5/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 5/5, Overall 4/5

50.NG+Infinite*(Citrine**) link
*Also “NG+Inf”, based on v4 **Also “Komputer Cast”, “Niko”, and “lun4-r”


Topic: “NG Themed” Tree, but only with “NG+”. Length: 2-3 hrs. Endgame: 1 Fluid,True Endgame: NG+10,Truer Endgame: e230 points

Layers: 5 layers. Getting “NG+” resets all prior progress. Row 2 resets row 1 layer, which has ups. Row 1 also has ups, which are automated later on. Row 3 resets nothing, which is also a grindy part due to lots of clicking. Row 3 has resources, which are automated by workers in this layer. Row 3 also has permanent buyables that boosts points and resources in this layer.

Balancing: Easy in pre-NG+9 but very grindy at NG+9. Row 3 layer is extremely grindy. In addition, worker speed is slower than manual clicks. So you’ll feel this game slow without clicking.

Misc: NG+10 doesn’t unlock things(same for the later NG+), although it can be done by grinding resources. You can change notations in settings.

Conclusion: It was fun, but was too grindy in late game.
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 3/5

51.Floppa Tree*(Magmalis)
*Not “Floppa Tree” by dumb cat.


Topic: Growing Flops. Length: 10-13 mins. Endgame: Unlock layer 3
Layers: 3 layers. Layer 3 is empty. Layer 1 has ups that boosts flops and layer 1. Layer 2 has 3 chals that are non-repeatable. Achievements does nothing. And layer 2 chals’ names are about the battle(Flop vs. Bingus). Layers 1 and 2 only resets floppa points. Layer 3 resets layers 1 and 2.

Balancing: Fast, very easy. If you’re stuck at layer 2 chals, just grind outside of them.
Conclusion: Despite the good balancing, the game was way too short to enjoy.
Ranks: Content 0/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 2/5, Overall 2.1/5

53.The Modding Tree Tree*(downvoid)
*Also “TMTT”. Based on v2.5.9.3
TMTT is unrealistic because it implies that finished Despacit mods exist-Acamaeda, 2020


Topic: Developing TMT. Unlike “Game Dev Tree”, it focuses more on TMT itself.
Length: 1-2 hrs. Endgame: e9 member True Endgame: e11 member,Truer Endgame: e13 member

Layers: 11 layers. Row 2 layers reset layer 1. Row 3 layers reset row 2. But row 4 only reset seconds. Row 5 only reset row 4(not ups or milestones). Layer 1 ups’ names are all mod-creators’ names, except 2 of them. Row 5 layers delete the last 5 row 4 ups, which are about TMT discord.

Balancing: Slow at layer 1 but insanely fast at row 2-4. You’ll unlock many layers in a short time. However, after reaching row 4, things become normal again.

Conclusion: It was good, but was too fast at mid game
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 3/5

54.The Null Tree(vgakbzc)


Topic: Growing Null Points. Length: 6~7 hrs. Endgame: 3 Eternity Points

Layers: 9 layers and 3 side layers. Layer 1(C) only resets null points, which has 16 ups(4 of them are unlocked later). Row 2 layers reset layer 1, which has 3 milestones and 1 buyable each. Layer 6(Inf) resets all prior layers, which has a repeatable chal, and 12 ups. Layer 7(S) resets row 1 and 2, which has 12 ups and 10 buyables. Note that 4 buyables in layer 7 is a reference to AD. Layer 8(P) resets row 1 and 2, which has 4 ups. Layer 9(Et) resets all prior layers. In addition, layer 9 nerfs things(but implicitly) a lot, starting at 2 of them. However, it unlocks new ups, buyables, and bars at 2 Et. Side layer 1(Achievements) are almost useless, but some of them are important. Side layer 2(Inertia) has 4 buyables, but you gain Inertia only if your Null points/s are low. Side layer 3(Automation) has toggles related to automation. It also has a toggle that “Nerfs Null Points but always get inertia”.

Balancing: Normal speed. However, a star up that costs 150 stars will be hard to get, as you can’t buy max stars at that time and cost increases past 100.

Misc: Row 2 layers(Air, Fire, Earth, Water) are “Classical element

Conclusion: It was well-balanced and has decent amount of stuff. But some parts were grindy.
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 3/5

55.Counting Tree(gapples2)


Topic: Counting. It’s intended to be grindy. You can input number to count, which occurs once/sec.
Length: 2 hrs. Endgame: 14 Achievements

Layers: 3 layers. Layer 1 is about counting, which resets nothing and has 4 buyables that boost the counting interval. It also has 9 ups, and 2 token buyables. Layer 2 is about a battery that boosts counting temporarily. It also has milestones that keep layer 1 stuff. Layer 3 is about boosting the counting, but it has 4 buyables that raise counting to an exponent. Achievements are important in this game, which is permanent.

Balancing: Grindy(same as intended). You’ll click layer 1 buyables after resets a lot.
Conclusion: It was grindy. In addition, the game was too short.
Ranks: Content 2/5, Balancing 2/5, Uniqueness 2/5, Overall 2/5

56.Shenanigans Tree Rewritten(Oleg*)
*Also “xxxolegxxx”, “Holy Broly”. Based on v1.0.1


Topic: A rewrite of “Shenanigans Tree” by Oleg, which is about spams BUT is infamous for insane grinding.(This one is much less grindy)
Length: 15~17 hrs. Endgame: 36 Achievements

Layers: 4 layers and 2 side layers. Layer 1 has ups that can be added by side layer 1. Side layer 1 also has a boost and QoL milestones. Layer 2 reset nothing and has ups and buyables, which have very long irrelevant descriptions. Layers 3 and 4 reset layers 1 and 2, which are static layers. Layer 1 also has chals that are unlocked by ups. Side layer 2 is the achievements layer, which is permanent and also important. Layer 3 also has a minigame.

Balancing: Normal speed. It’s very grindy for mobile players due to layer 1. Layer 3 minigames will be hard if you’re bad at rhythm games.

Misc: Beating “The Endgamers’ Revengence” is impossible, as it’s intended.
Conclusion: The game goes fine for me. But it was a bit short. And minigame was hard.
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 3/5

57.APTMAM 2(Despacit) link


Topic: Sequel to APTMAM but no tree. Length: 3 hrs. Endgame: All stuff unlocked

Layers: 4 tabs. 1st tab has mergeables producing energy, which is used for buyables. Buyable 1 buffs spawn speed. Buyables 2-3 expand space. Buyable 4 adds auto merge whose levels speed up it. Buyable 5 buffs energy. Buyable 6 buffs VIP points boosting energy. 2nd tab has missions giving VIP points, and some of them produce them. 3rd tab has levels which is based on VIP points, giving level tokens that are used for some refundable buyables. 4th tab has merge tokens, resetting 1st tab and VIP points. 4th tab has 15 ups and glided mergeable subtab.

Balancing: Grindy. You’ll merge many times without auto merge. You also should wait or grind for VIP Points for levels. Auto merge is very slow at first but it’s useful later.

Conclusion: It’s surely shorter, but grindier than APTMAM. I’d say it’s worse than APTMAM.
Ranks: Content 2/5, Balancing 2/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 2.3/5

58.The Fame Tree*(Jezzacozzie) link
*The review is based on v0.4.1


Topic: Being a famous person. Length: 4-5 hrs. Endgame: e100 Fame

Layers: 6 layers. Layer 1(F) has 25 ups, some of which are added later on. Layer 2(V) resets layer 1, which has 9 ups and a buyable. Layer 3(I) resets layer 1, which has 9 ups and 3 buyables. Layer 4(K) resets layer 1, which has 18 ups and 4 buyables. Layers 2~4 also have milestones that keep or automate layers. Note that layer 2’s effect is enabled only if you bought at least 1 layer 2 buyable 1. Row 3 layers reset row 1 and row 2, which has achievements that are simply QoL or that boost things. Note that there are 2 row 3 layers, but selecting one will lock the other. But you’ll unlock both later on. And some achievements are important, so you should look at them.

Balancing: Normal speed but very grindy. The grind is more apparent if you unlocked layer 3, because you should spam click for them. For example, layer 3 upgrade 9 requires about 100~120 clicks, and Karma milestone 5’s 2nd req will require you 350+ clicks. Row 3 layers are more grindy, as you should repeat the same things mentioned above, every reset, until keeping karma milestones.

Conclusion: The game was fun and has a decent length, but was very grindy. I think karma milestone 5’s req should be lowered to 10 000 total Neutral Karma & 5 advertisements. And the req for unlocking both row 3 should be lowered to 70.

Ranks: Content 4/5, Balancing 4/5, Uniqueness 4/5, Overall 4/5

59.Incrementali Tree(Despacit)


Topic: Growing “Incrementali”, which is boosted by itself. Length: 2-3 hrs. Endgame: 1 follower

Layers: 7 layers and 2 side layers. Layer 1(R) has 9 ups. Layers 2 and 3 reset layer 1, which are static layers. Layer 2(S) has a milestone which keeps layer 1 ups. Layer 2 also has 6 ups, which cost singularity power. Singularity power is passively gained based on layer 2 amount. Layer 3(I) has 2 milestones which keep layer 1 ups and automate layer 1. Layer 3 also has 2 buyables, which can be refunded. But refunding them isn’t recommended. Row 3 layers reset row 1 and 2, except layers 3 and 6(Sh) buyables. Layer 4(P) has milestones that keep some things. Layer 4 also has 9 ups, the 1st one is very powerful later on. Layer 5(E) has 2 chals, both of which are repeatable(max 25) and which unlock new layer at 1st completion. Layer 6(Sh) resets nothing and has 6 buyables, 3 of them unlocked later on. Layer 7(C) has 6 buyables, the 1st one does nothing. Side layer 2 has 2 buyables that can be refunded.

Balancing: Slow but not grindy. It’ll be a timewall at unlocking layer 4, which takes 1000 sec. Unlocking layer 7 also takes some time.

Misc: There are many typos in this game. For example, “Prestige (points)” should be “Research (points)”, and “Points” should be “Incrementali”.

Conclusion: The game isn’t that unique. And this tree is a bit short and slow.
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 3/5

60.One layer Tree(Seder3214)


Topic: A tree with 1 layer. Length: 40-60 mins. Endgame: e3 Tree essence

Layers: 1 layer. But it has many subtabs. Subtab 1 is “particles”, which has ups. Particles are passively gained. Subtab 2 is “Playtime rewards”, which has milestones that can be gotten with enough playtime. Subtab 3 is “void”, which is the same as subtab 1. Subtab 4 is “dice”, which has clickables whose reward is random. Subtab 5 is “Time”, which boosts time speed. Subtab 6 is “mega”, which has 9 buyables. Subtab 7 is “mega robots”, which has 10 ups. Subtab 8 is “Infinity”, which has some clickables, milestones, and 8 ups. Subtab 9 is “Infinity Tree”, which has 7 ups. Subtab 10 is “Planetary event”, which does nothing and has some buyables and ups

Balancing: Fast and easy. This game is so fast that you’ll be busy buying stuff.
Misc: You can go beyond endgame, such as 1220 Tree essence up(it’s possible) and completing subtab 10. And you can’t roll dice anymore if the time speed is fast.

Conclusion: It’s too fast to relax. And it’s short.
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 3/5

61.IMR Tree(Seder3214)


Topic: A mod of “Incremental Mass Rewritten” by Mrredshark77. All things are the same as the original. But it’s a bit harder.
Length: 6-8 hrs. Endgame: 1 Dark Matter

Layers: 3 Layers. Layer 1(Mass) has “buyables”, “ranks” and “tiers”. “Ranks” reset mass and buyables. “Tiers” reset ranks, mass, and buyables. And the cost of ranks is based on itself(also applies to tiers). Layer 2(Rage) resets all layer 1 stuff, which has 6 ups and 1 buyable(tickspeed). It also has QoL ups. Layer 3(Dark matter) is unfinished and is empty.

Balancing: Slow and grindy. Layer 1 will be timewall, especially when you wait for next tier. Layer 2 is very grindy, as you should start over after reset.

Misc: Despite layer 3 being wip, you can still reset for them(don’t do it just in case).
Conclusion: The game was contentless. And the game was slow. The game totally needs more content and balancing patch.

Ranks: Content 2/5, Balancing 2/5, Uniqueness 2/5, Overall 2/5

62.The Formula(Jacorb90) Githack link


Topic: A tree with math formulas, based on time. (details can be found in misc)
Length: 3-4 hrs. Endgame: 47 Goals

Layers: 4 layers and a side layer. Layers 1~3 are in alphabetical order(A, B, C). Layers 1~3 reset points and adds to variables ‘a’/’b’/’c’(in order). Layer 1 has ‘avolve’ and a buyable. Avolve is based on points and a buyable divides the cost of it. Layer 2 has “Batteries”. You can’t turn all them on until the late game, although all of them are buff. Layer 3 has “clock”, which is based on reset time but the days in the clock decays by time. Layer 4 resets all stuff except goals and layer 4, which is empty but gives a big boost. Some goals are very important.

Balancing: Slow but not grindy. There should be some timewalls, but you shouldn’t stuck if you missed nothing.

Misc: Point gain at the endgame is: n(st)=(st)^(b+6c+log10(a+1)+IP+2)×a×B201×Goals/(IP-1)!

In the formula above, “s” is timespeed, “t” is the seconds after reset. And ‘a’ multiplies points by ‘a’ and log10 of (a+1) adds to ‘t’ exponent. “b” and “c” adds to ‘t’ exponent. B201 is 1 when “B201” is turned off, and is B201’s effect when turned on, which multiplies points. ‘Goals’ is the goals completed, which multiplies points. But some goals have own rewards. ‘IP’ is determined by your “Integration points”, which adds to ‘t’ exponent but divides points by the (IP-1)! . The “!” is called “Factorial”.

n!=1×2×…×n, where n is a positive integer. Also 0!=1. So you may think that factorials are only defined at all non-negative integers, but it’s actually not because it’s defined at all real numbers except negative integers. The definition of the factorial can be found here(Including the graph.). In fact, variable ‘IP’ can be a non-integer number.

Conclusion: It was fun, but was short and slow, although it’s a side project.
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 3/5

63.The Communitree(ducdat0507) link


Topic: A TMT about Incremental games. Length: 4-7 days. Endgame: GG1.539 points

Layers: 5 Layers. Layer 1(Jacorb) has 40 ups. It also has “The Prestige Tree” tab, which has layers in TPTC and TPTR until row 5. Each layers in this tab act like prestige layers, which means that it resets all prior rows and layer 1 points(but not ups). Layer 2(Aarex) has several ups. And “Simplify Things a Bit” upgrade remove the most layer 1 content but vastly buff other things. Layer 2 also has “Antimatter Dimensions” tab(Although it’s not Aarex’s.), which has 10 dimensions. You may doubt Dimension 9 and 10 exist, but why not?

Later on, you unlock layer 3(Acamaeda). And yes, TMT and “The candy tree(I’ll call it TCT)” is made by Acamaeda, which is exactly layer 3 has. But resetting for layer 3 resets all prior things and also removes most layer 2 content. But things inflate a lot shortly after, due to ups in it. And later on you unlock TCT tab, which has TCT stuff but very extended version. After finishing TCT, it is removed shortly after. But you unlock TMT, which initially has TMT components. After some time, you unlock the skill tree, which can be refunded.

Layer 4(Thefinaluptake) has “The Burning Tree(I’ll call it TBT)” stuff. But unlike TBT, it’s not tree and has buyables in all 3 layers. After you finishing TBT, it’s removed. And after some time you unlock layer 5(Despacit).

Layer 5’s 1st subtab has buyables and ups whose names are mostly “Despacit mods”, except “AltTPT”, which is made by yhvr.(despacit’s modded version is called “DespATPT”.) Layer 5’s 2nd and 3rd subtabs are similar to “APTMAM”, which are about merging things. It’s very, very extended so it’s very long. Layer 5’s 4th subtab is “Giftcodes”, which is about entering giftcodes for rewards But after a long time you unlock “Giftcode Hunter”, which is a text-based puzzle. And eventually you’ll finish layer 5, but it’s removed again after that.

Balancing: Very painful and slow. The game is painful all the time. The “real” pain is layer 5, because the ups are “mostly same” ones, too long and too grindy. In addition, giftcode hunter was very painful and very hard for me, because I’m bad at puzzles.

Misc: You can change number format. The name is “The Community”+”Tree”. Offline time is bugged so offline time is force enabled even if you turn it off. You can reduce the color intensity in the settings(such as layer 3 color).

Conclusion: The game has some unique ideas. However, the insane grind, pain, and the similar ups in layer 5 makes this game very boring. And most importantly, Giftcode Hunter shouldn’t exist in this game. Because this is incremental game, so it shouldn’t have non-incremental stuff; if you want to put them, it should be just a minigame that can be “ignored”. So I can say it defeats a “purpose” of “incremental games”.

Ranks: Content 5/5, Balancing 0/5, Uniqueness, 4/5, Overall 2.2/5

64.Despacit Tree Delta(Despacit)


Topic: A tree with greek letters. Also it seems to be inspired from “Prestige Tree(can be both PTC and PTR)”, AD, and DI.

Length: 1-2 hrs. Endgame: e400 points

Layers: 8 layers. Rows 1 and 2 are the same as “TPTC”, which has 3 layers. Row 3 has 5 layers. Selecting 1 of the layers 4(Dilation), 5(Enhance), and 6(Replicanti) increases the req of the others. And Layers 2~4, 6~8 are all static layers. Layer 4 has a challenge that works like “Refactoring” in game dev tree. Layer 5 is the same as TPTC. Layer 6 boosts replicanti growth speed. Note that replicanti growth is exponential, that is, it multiplies by a constant each second. But it has a max amount in this tree, can be increased by buyable 1 in layer 6. Layer 7(perks) has some buyables, but you can select only a few of them. Layer 8(Stadium) has chals.

Balancing: Normal speed but you can stuck. Never select “Dilation” first, because this will make you stuck. So select the others first. I chose “Replicanti” first and no problems by the way.

Misc: Holding buyables doesn’t work. The game says that layers 2, 6 are active layer, layers 3-4 are idle, layer 5 is passive.

Conclusion: This tree was short and lacks variation. In addition, some things make you stuck without warning or save bank, which is critical balancing issue.

Ranks: Content 2/5, Balancing 2/5, Uniqueness 2/5, Overall 2/5

65.The Formula Extended*(Shinwmyste**) link Itch link
*Also “The Set Formula”. The review is based on v1.0.12
**Also “Shinmi124” and “mysterious_124”, who made The Modding Table(coding tool of TMT)


Topic: A mod of “The Formula” by Jacorb90. But it’s nerfed version using 'The Modding Table".
Length: 3-4 hrs. Endgame: Unlock meta
Layers: 6 layers and 2 side layers. But layer 6(meta) is unfinished. Layer 1(A-Power) has 2 bars, both of which are “Avolve” bar but the 2nd bar is unlocked much later. Layer 1 also has a buyable that divides the req of both bars.

Layer 2(Alpha Energy) resets Layer 1, which also nerfs timespeed but also has 2 buffs, but you can’t set both buffs to max. Later on, nerf of layer 2 is removed. Some time later, you can set both buffs to max. Layer 3(Spin) is a luck based layer(resets nothing), since the effect of spinning is random(but no nerfs).

Layer 4(B-Power) resets layers 1~3, which have a battery toggle(unlocked later), turning it on changes the spin effect and battery bar is enabled. Side layer 1(Goals) reset nothing, and have goals, which are important. Side layer 2(Glory) resets all prior stuff but gives very helpful QoLs and very powerful buffs.

Layer 5(Compressed points) requires unlocking, but unlocking it literally resets “ALL” progress, including glory. That is, you should start over after that. Luckily, you don’t have to unlock it again and also it’ll be MUCH faster due to the massive buffs from it, including the fact that the 2nd avolve bar is unlocked after unlocking layer 5.

Balancing: Slow at the start but fast later on. After getting 0 timespeed getting the next goal will be a timewall. Also the last goal will be a timewall. After unlocking layer 5 you’ll suffer a bit, although it gives massive buffs.

Misc: Before v1.0, your save can’t export before spins(It’s fixed now.). And you can choose languages(English and Chinese) at the start.

Conclusion: The tree was fun, more satisfying than original. But early game was bad.
Ranks: Content 4/5, Balancing 4/5, Uniqueness 4/5, Overall 4/5

66.The Energy Factory(CharizUniv)


Topic: Growing energy. Also it’s similar to AD. Length: 20-23 hrs. Endgame: Beat “Surge Challenge #6

Layers: 3 Layers and 2 side layers. Layer 1(Energy) resets nothing, which has 6 multipliers that buffs energy. Layer 1 also has ups, some of which are buffed later. Layer 2(Surge) and 3(Energy Bank) reset layer 1, both of which have milestones. Layer 2 also has 6 chals that can be beaten 5 times. The first 4 chals are unlocked at e100 energy and you have to beat all of them to increase the limit. After beating all 4 chals, the energy limit increased to e1000, which also unlocks layer 3. Layer 2 also has ups that unlocks and bought with energy. Layer 2 has buyables too, which boosts energy. The last 2 Surge chals’ goals increases with completions, which are unlocked later on. Side layer 1(Achievements) isn’t important, as it can be unlocked with progression. Side layer 2(Automation) automates layer 1, except ups.

Balancing: Insanely slow but easy. The game goes fine until reaching e100 energy. However, after reaching that, most surge chals will be timewalls*. After beating all 4 of them, the timewalls will be MUCH worse, you should wait 50+ mins every row 2 reset. For completing “Surge Challenge #6(x5)”, you should wait for over 1 hr.
However, I can say that it’s an easy game, because it doesn’t need strategies at all.
*You should beat #1(1~3) first.

Misc: Buffed ups’ titles are green which are hard to distinguish with background color

Conclusion: This game wasn’t that unique. And the almost the whole game was timewalls, which makes this game very boring. Although this game has a decent amount of content, the balancing looked very poor to me.

Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 1/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 2/5

67.The Unnamed Tree(Sum)


Topic: Tree without name. Length: 3-4 hrs. Endgame: 7 Light, 5 dark points

Layers: 9 layers and a side layer. Side layer(QoL) resets nothing and has ups that keeps or automates things. Side layer ups are always kept, but not resources. Layer 1(Unnamed points) has ups that are continually added. Layer 1 also has 3 buyables. Layers 2(Super points) and 3(Average points) reset layer 1, both of which have ups that are also continually added. Layers 4(Hyper points), 5(Bonus), and 6(power) reset layers 1~3, all of which have ups that are sometimes added. Layer 4 also has 2 buyables. Layers 7(Reset), 8(Light), and 9(Dark) reset layers 1~6, all of which are static layers and which have ups. Note that there are no chals or milestones.

Balancing: Fast but a bit grindy. You’ll grind resets at static layers. But non-static layers aren’t grindy. Also this tree has no timewall at all.

Conclusion: This tree was very fun, since it has very good balancing. But this tree lacks TMT components, due to only having ups and buyables.

Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 5/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 4/5

68.The Game Tree(Shinwmyste)Githack link


Topic: A tree about RPG stuff. This is similar to “The Gaming Tree” by medsal15(check the 49th review for this.). But it came earlier than Gaming Tree
Length: 7-10 hrs. Endgame: 1 Iron

Layers: 9 Layers and a side layer. Side layer has 7 hidden achievements that do nothing. Layer 1(Wood) has 10 ups, and 5 of them are added later. The 5th Wood up unlocks layer 2(Stone). Layer 2 is always unlocked once you have it. Layer 2 resets layer 1, which has milestones, 5 ups, 4 chals.

Layers 3(ATK), 4(Blood), and 5(Copper) are unlocked if you beat final layer 2 chal. Layer 3 resets layer 4, which has 5 clickables(2 of them added later). Layers 4~5 reset nothing, both of which can be gotten by the clickables in layer 3. Layer 5 resource is rare and does nothing until you unlock copper ups. Layer 4 has ups that unlocks runes. Runes are buyables that boosts some things. Layer 6(Blood Magic) resets layer 4, which unlocks new buyables in layer 4.

Layer 7(Coal) resets layers 1, 2, 4, 6. Layer 7 has milestones that are QoL. Layer 7 also has some chals and ups. Layer 7 also has a clickable that converts coal and wood into torch, which also costs wood. Layer 5 ups are unlocks at layer 7 stage, all of which may seem very costly but also unlocks new content-electricity. Electricity are gained passively, which can be used for extra coal. It also can be used for “Mining Machine”, which unlocks layer 8(Depth). Layer 8 has milestones that are unlocked with mining. But Depth is (hardcapped) at some point. Layer 9(Iron) resets all prior stuff but unfinished.

Balancing: Normal speed but grindy in late game. The grind part is the copper layer, due to the clickables. Also all chals in this game are only slower than the normal run, because the nerf isn’t exponential or something. However, don’t try them too early or you’ll suffer.

Misc: In the settings you can select “Game Tree” theme, which gives a hidden achievement.
In the settings there’s a useless button, giving a hidden achievement

Conclusion: The game was fun and balanced very well, but the late game was grindy
Ranks: Content 4/5, Balancing 4/5, Uniqueness 4/5, Overall 4/5

69.The Factoree(Dystopia*)
*Also “scar137". Based on v0.5.0


Topic: Managing a factory. But in the end factory becomes a villain, since it hurts the environment and society.
Length: 4-6 hrs. Endgame: e1.75e7 ores

Layers: 7 layers. Layer 1(Extractor) has 16 ups, and 3 buyables that are unlocked at layer 2(Furnace). Layer 1 also has ‘oil’ tab, which has a toggle that enables oil burning, which boosts ores but you lose oil. Layer 2 has 3 tabs: “Main”, “Upgrades” and “embers”. Main has a slider that produces metal but consumes furnaces. You can buy layer 1 buyables with metal. Upgrades has 12 ups. Embers tab has 4 buyables that can be bought with embers. It also has ‘Flame’ that resets embers, which is a static layer and has 10 ups.

Layer 3(Manufacture) resets all row 1 layers, which is also a static layer and has 2 tabs: “Main” and “Factories”. Main has milestones that are QoL, and 4 ups. Factories tab has a slider that works the same as layer 2, but produces brick. It also has 3 buyables(factories) that uses brick but cost increases one another. It also has 4 ups and you can respec factories, but ups can’t be respecced. Layer 4(Plastic) is unlocked with Factory buyable 2, which has 4 ups that are kept on layer 3. Layer 4 also has structures that are unlocked at layer 5(Monopoly), which has a buyable(structure) and 3 sliders that consumes structures.

Layer 5 resets layer 1~4, and 6(Power stations; unlocked later), which has 3 tabs: “Main”, “Competitors”, and “Pollution”. Main is the same as layer 3, with 9 more ups. Competitors has 8 chals, whose theme is about overcoming lawsuits, space issue, the interruption of the government, and then truly become a monopoly factory(this MUST be illegal). Pollution has 3 plases, which nerf things a lot on entry, but give a boost on exit. Layer 6 simply has 2 buyables and 4 ups. Layer 7(Research) has 7 buyables, the 1st one gains a scientist, the others are researches that boosts things vastly, but they takes a lot of time. Layer 7 also has 6 ups that helps them.

Balancing: Slow, strategic but not grindy. There are several timewalls in this game, the 5th layer 5 up takes 1000 sec. There are too many strategic moments, the most painful one is “The Upgrade Factory I”, because it limits the number of ups you can buy(but not layer 4).

Misc: Holding buyables doesn’t work. There are some stories in some descriptions.
Conclusion: The game was fun, but has some timewalls and there are too many strategy.
Ranks: Content 4/5, Balancing 2/5, Uniqueness 4/5, Overall 3/5

70.The Tree Of Nerfs 2: Extreme Mode*(downvoid)link2
*Also “ton2 extreme”. Based on v0.H


Topic: "The Tree Of Nerfs 2”(check review 1), but more nerfs. Length: 7-8 hrs. Endgame: Fire at 100℃

Layers: 7 layers and 7 side layers. All main layers are the same as the one in ton2. All side layers keep main layers(their chals can reset them) and always kept. Side layer 1(Nerf) has the nerf list in extreme, it also has 7 ups. Nerfs 2, 4 are removed later. Side layer 2(Accelerate) has 8 ups, 1 buyable(has max amount), and 4 chals. Side layer 2 chals reset main layers and the 4th one is repeatable(max 3). Side layer 3(Booster) has a milestone that automates it, 2 ups, and chals that resets main layers. The last one is repeatable(max 7).

Side layer 4(Challenging Challenge; I’ll call it CC.) has 2 chals, both of which has the same nerf as EC12 in AD, because they make the game 1000x slower and has timers(but shorter). CC1 resets layer 5(not ups), and you should complete in 0.03sec of game time. CC1 can be completed up to twice. CC2 resets layer 6(not ups), it also nerfs dimensions, and you should complete in 0.0325 sec of game time, which can be completed up to thrice. After completing all CC, side layer 5(Dimboost) appear, which resets nothing and has 2 buyables. Side layer 5 is automated at 100.

Side layer 6(Elemantary) is unlocked if you buy last Layer 5 up. 1st tab has “High Gods” that costs atoms, but boosts varoius things. Atoms are based on meters. 2nd tab has 3 fome buyables that boost fome, but not the others. 3rd tab has ups that works the same as form buyables. 4th tab shows the scaling/softcaps in fome. 5th tab is another fome(colorful fome), which boosts fome. It also has 3 buyables boosting all fome.

Side Layer 7(Furnace) is unlocked at 69 fome dimensions[nice number!], which has 2 tabs. 1st tab has clickables, which is needed to activate the furnace. After some time, 2nd tab appear, which shows the temperature of the fire, capped at 100℃.

Balancing: Harder than the normal. The last Booster chal is hard, because you should pick the right ups. The most painful thing is CC2, because you should gain e13 Antimatter before CC2x1. But even if you gained e13, due to the timer, you’ll fail if you don’t hurry. Even CC2x2 and x3 are hard. After you beat CC2, it’ll be easy though. Except: fome is timewall.

Misc: While CC2 is pain, the timer was 0.03 sec. It’s changed due to complaints.
Conclusion: The game was as unique as ton2, but some part was hell. I think CC2’s timer should be increased to 0.05 sec.
Ranks: Content 4/5, Balancing 4/5, Uniqueness 5/5, Overall 4.3/5

71.The Point Tree(RD82*) link
*Also “Randim82”. Based on v3.2.MBF+


Topic: Getting PF(point fragment). Length: 13-15 hrs. Endgame: Check ingame

Layers: 10 Layers, 3 side layers. Layer 1(Basic) has many ups, some of which are added later. Layer 2(Rebirth) resets layer 1, which has QoL milestones. It also has ups that are added later. Layer 3(Prestige) resets layers 1~2, whose content is the same as layer 2. Layer 4(Mega) resets layers 1~3, which has milestones(QoL+Boost) and ups(some are added later). It also has 4 buyables. Some passive gains are boosted by later layers.

Layer 5(Sacrifice) resets layers 1-4 and 6(Energy). Layer 5 has many powerful milestones that are QoL, but most of the later ones boosts things. It also has 4 chals that are also powerful. But all of them(except 1st) actually needs enough sacrifice, otherwise you’ll stuck at them. It has dimshifts(DS) adding column 5 of ups. DSn is nth DS, adding layer n ups. For example DS2 adds column 5 of layer 2(Rebirth) ups. There are 3 DS before layer 9

Layer 6 is always passively gained(not ups), which has many ups. It also has many milestones that aren’t QoL, so they’re more like ups. Some layer 6 ups only can be bought in Layer 5 chal. Side layer 1 has achs, which only needs progressing. Some achs have rewards. Layers 7(Supreme) and 8(Water) resets layers 1~4 and 6, both of which have some ups. Layer 7 also have milestones and buyables, and some of them are QoL. Layer 7 gain is automated by layer 7 buyable 2.

Layer 8 is passively gained if you have 4e4 Supreme, but you have to manually reset to buy ups. There are 2 rows of choice ups in layer 7, and you can select 1 row at once, and then the other one. Layer 9(Mastery) is passively gained, which has 40 ups, 2 chals. Entering a chal resets layers 1~8. Some time after beating 1st chal, DS4~5 are unlocked, adding column 5 of layers 4 and 6 ups.

At some point some layer 7 buyables are automated. Then 5th of them is added, raising PF to a power(max 1.25). This one is most powerful of all layer 7 buyables. Layer 9 chal 2 is added by an ach, which takes some time to beat due to high goal. After doing many layer 5 resets, this reset does nothing. Layer 10(Era) resets layers 1-8, which automates layer 5(makes you get 13th Sa if you didn’t) and has 3 milestones. Caution: All layer 10 stuffs are reset on entering Mastery chals!

Layer 10 is static layer that needs layer 5. Layer 10 has many tree ups and 3 buyables, which can’t be refunded, but cost always stays. DS6 is added after 2 era, which adds column 5 of layer 7 ups, which includes column 5 choice ups(rows 7-8) but no choices unlike prior columns. You keep many stuffs on Mastery before trying Mastery chal 1x2. Sac strength, combos are added at era 3. Sac strength is based on Sac, boosting some things. If you buy all era ups with same combo, you get buff that combo gives. You’ll finish 1st tree before Mastery chal 1x2.

Balancing: Normal speed but grindy at layer 4. It goes very fine until layer 4 unlock. In layer 4 you’ll grind previous layer ups a lot, as layer 4 resets them. However, after layer 5 unlock, this game goes very fine again. Because unlocking layer 5(Sacrifice) automates layer 4 gain, which is very useful(you don’t have to reset for mega again). If you think layer 4 is bad, I recommend you to push further, after that it’ll be fun. Chals in layers 5, 9 are balanced well, so if you’re stuck then something is missing

For choice ups choice isn’t important at all, as the time to buy all ups will be similar.
Mastery chals resets ALL stuff but it isn’t that repetitive since you get QoL very fast. After buying 40 layer 9 ups, do Sac when possible; otherwise you won’t get enough Sac, because some ups increases Sac cost much.(And it may make you reenter mastery chals to reset stuff) Layer 10(Era) has many scrolling later(due to many rows) on. After getting 1 Era, don’t enter layer 9 chals otherwise you’ll lose all progress except layer 9, side layers. Layer 10 can be boring, since most ups take 1-2m each. Unlike prior Mastery chals, Mastery chal 1x2 is less repetitive since you keep many stuff.

Misc: Infos exist in side layer 2. Side layer 3 has 18 achs and minigame, some of them give tiny buffs. You need to go beyond the end if you want to get 16-18th secret ach. Minigame has some achs requiring to get exact numbers or to reach huge or tiny numbers.

Conclusion: The game lacks uniqueness. However, I can say that this is a good TMT. Because the game has no big timewalls. This game wasn’t grindy at all. Layer 4 was grindy, I agree. But it was only an exception, and I think game was satisfying. I don’t agree with opinions that game is repetitive

Ranks: Content 5/5, Balancing 5/5, Uniqueness 2/5, Overall 4.1/5

Side Layer 3

Sx=Secret ach x, Mab=Minigame ach row a column b
Endgame: ee1.5M
Content: You see score in top. Buttons exist below it, which change score. “=1” button sets score to 1. There are 30 achs, but some of them are out of order. There’s no automation.

Balancing: Very grindy. You’ll spam buttons so many times for some achs. The most grindy ones are M55-56.

Conclusion: It’s meant to be done while waiting, but it’s also boring often.
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 1/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 2/5


S1-2, 6: Switch themes
S3: Gotten, due to default settings. S4: Set “Change to ‘e’ notation” to “10^15”
S5: Change notation
S7-8: Push without Rebirth. S9: Wait at 1 Sac. S10: Wait at Sac chal 3
S11, 14: Stall before Supreme/Era(in order)
S12: Wait more before getting 5th DS3(Intended way). Or buy 5th DS3 up and do Sac. Then don’t buy 5th DS3 up to get(I’ll recommend this)
S13: Get e5 Mastery Points before beating Mastery chals, or get Era

Get achs in said order
M11: Get exactly 69, by pressing ‘x2’ 6 times then ‘+1’ 5 times
M12: Get exactly 1337, by pressing ‘x2’ 6 times, then ‘+1’ 19 times, then ‘x2’ 4 times, then ‘+1’ 9 times
M13: Get exactly 69420, by pressing ‘x2’ 8 times, then ‘+1’ 15 times, then ‘x2’ 8 times, then ‘+1’ 44 times
M21-26: Spam highest mult
M31: Click ‘x3’ 4 times, then ‘/2’ 7 times.M32: Click ‘x69’ once, then ‘/2’ 9 times
M33: Click ‘x69’ twice, then ‘x3’ once, then ‘/2’ 5 times
M14: Click ‘x3’ twice, then ‘x10’ thrice, then ‘+1’ once.M15-16: Click ‘x10’ 69 times, then 1258 times
M34: Click ‘x2’ 13 times, then ‘+1’ 7 times, then ‘/3’ 7 times. M35: Spam ‘/3’
M41-46: Click ‘x1e10’ then spam highest exponent
M36: Click ‘x911’ once, then ‘/7’ twice, then ‘/2’ once, then ‘/3’ once, then ‘^0.99’ twice
M51: Click ‘x69’ once then spam ‘^0.99’
M52: Get 314 159 265 358 979, using method below
1.Get 31. Click ‘x10’ once then ‘+1’ 4 times
2.You’ll get 314. Click ‘x10’ once then ‘+1’ once
3.You’ll get 3141. Click ‘x10’ once then ‘+1’ by the number of next digit. Repeat
4.You’ll get 314 159 265 358 979. Click ‘/10’ 14 times

M53: Click ‘+1’ once then spam ‘^0.99’ M54: Click ‘/10’ once then spam ‘^2’
M55-56: Spam highest exponent

72.The Pro Tree(Omega*) Link 2
*Also “ProGamesGrinder”. Based on v0.9c


Topic: None. Endgame is the 2nd biggest of all TMT. Length: 3-5 days. Endgame: H1000 points

Layers: 40 layers, 2 side layers. All layers have at least 25 ups(except layer 40). Layers 1~36(People~Juice) are all similar, but some of them have chals or buyables. Also layer 16(Onion)'s 31st up(I’ll call it O) is strong, which is buffed often until you get layer 37’s 75th up(I’ll call it R), disabling O. But R is stronger than O. R is also buffed often until some point.

Layer 37(Reincarnation; I’ll call it Re) resets layers 1~36, which gives 25+ medals(I’ll call it M). Re has 76 ups and 4 buyables. Re also has 18 tree ups, which also cost M and can be removed(doesn’t refund M). Buying 1 makes the others in the same row more expensive. Re also has many chals that are unlocked later. Re buyable 1 makes badges, which costs M. Badges gain is powered by Re buyable 2’s effect, which boosts M. Re buyables 3 and 4 boost M directly.

Layer 38(Supernova; I’ll call it SN) resets layers 1~37, which gives 10+ Neutron stars(I’ll call it N) which boost M. N can be used to buy ups(there are 50). SN also has mining tab, which has 70+ tree ups and has many resources. SN buyables will produce them. SN has crystal tab too, which has some sub-layers. All sub-layers reset SN and mining ups, N amount, all ores(except the 8-9th. Also you can only reset for them once(except the 1st).

Layer 39(Sacrifice; I’ll call it S) only resets resources, which has 25+ ups. S has some chals that has no nerf. The last S chal will unlock layer 40(Ascension), which resets many things(not sub-layers, Re). Layer 40 has milestones and 15 ups.

Balancing: A bit slow and grindy at some point. You’ll click on a reset button 300+ times for some ups often. Also this tree’s layers are almost the same ones, which makes this game boring. Although Re, SN, and S layers looks different from the others, the pattern becomes the similar again. And there are some 1000 sec timewalls at the S layer. Many chals are just the another “normal run”, which aren’t challenging at all.

Misc: There are stats in side layer 2. Sometimes you won’t see the nodes in this tree. This can be solved by importing saves or reloading the game.

Conclusion: This tree was long, but everything gets very similar to the previous. Because almost all layers are “similar”. In addition, most chals in this game are just “normal run”, which makes this game even more boring. And many things are grindy, which also makes this game more like the clicker.

Ranks: Content 5/5 Balancing 2/5, Uniqueness 0/5, Overall 2/5

73.The Weekly Tree*(downvoid)
*Based on v0.1.6 Jacorb was right, :egg: is next mechanic


Topic: None. Length: 4~5 hrs. Endgame: 3 Golden eggs
Layers: 6 layers. Layer 1(Prestige) has 3 buyables and some ups. Layers 2(Radioactive) and 3(stability) doesn’t reset layer 1. Layer 2 has some ups in the 1st tab. Layer 2 resources are reduced over time. Layer 3 has some milestones that are QoL, and also has 3 buyables.

Layers 4(Egg) and 5(Infinity Point) reset layers 1~3. Layer 4 has many QoL(or boost) milestones. Layer 5 has many ups. Layer 2’s 2nd tab is unlocked at layer 5, which has a few ups and 2 buyables. This tab’s ups won’t reset on layers 4 and 5. Layer 6(Golden Egg) resets layers 1~5, which has 3 milestones and gives big boosts.

Balancing: Fast. There are no long timewalls. Layers 1, 3 buyables will be a bit grindy until they’re automated.

Misc: Layer 5 ups’ names are mostly the Z to A order. Holding buyables doesn’t work.
Conclusion: This Tree was fun, despite lacking strategy. The balancing of this one was good.
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 5/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 4/5

74.2 Layers Tree(downvoid)


Topic: A tree with 2 layers. Length: 3~5 hrs. Endgame: 135 prestige pointy points

Layers: Layer 1(Prestige) has many tabs. 1st tab has many ups, but 4 of them resets prior ones. 2nd tab has 3 chals. 3rd tab has a reset button that resets all prior stuff but gives boosts and QoL. Note that max resets are limited. 4th tab(Generators) has 2 buyables, both of which adds a generator that boosts points. 1st one costs points and 2nd one costs prestige points. 4th tab also has a clickable that boosts generators each click. At this point, there are tree ups in the 1st tab, and you can only buy 1 ups per row. 5th tab(Pointy points) has a buyable that allows you to exchange generators for pointy points(generators’ costs is only based on current amount so don’t hesitate to do this), which boosts generators too.

Layer 2(Infinity) resets layer 1, which has many milestones. After getting some infinities, they’ll reset nothing and is automated.

Balancing: Slow and grindy. The ups before the 3rd tab are almost “nothing”, because the effect are very small or really no effect(example: There’s an up that makes point gain lined, which is nothing because “x is lined”=x^1=x). And those “almost nothing” ups lasts 20+ times. And there are many times where you should start over(LITERALLY), such as layer 2 reset, making the game repetitive.

Misc: Holding buyables doesn’t work. Many layer 1 ups do nothing until you buy “Increase”. Also some ups’ descriptions are wrong, but they’re intended. For example, “Challenging”, whose description is “This upgrade doesn’t unlock a challenge”, but it adds a challenge(also a new tab).

More examples: “Not Challenging” and “Not Not Challenging”(This upgrade doesn’t add 1 to the completion limit), which adds 1 to the limit.Downvoid lied
“(Not^4) Challenging”(Doesn’t unlock a second challenge), which adds 2nd chal.

Conclusion: It seems it’s supposed to be a joke. Many ups does almost nothing in early game, and some parts were repetitive.
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness: 3/5, Overall: 3/5

78.RNG Tree*(Jacorb90)
*Based on v1.1


Topic: The tree is randomly selected at start, depending on “seed”. You can change it by tapping on “HARD RESET WITH SEED CONTROL”, which resets the game and you can enter the seed.

Layers: All layers reset points. Row 2 layers reset layer 1, row 3 layers reset rows 1-2 layers, and so on. All layers have reset button and have at least 1 of ups/buyables, but don’t have milestones, challenges, etc.

Balancing: Usually grindy. Since there are no QoL, you’ll click buttons a lot. Reaching row 2 is easy; row 3 isn’t. Reaching row 3 is possible for some seeds(333, 14, etc.). For 333 you can reach row 5(takes a few hrs).

Misc: It’s made on April fools. Holding buyables doesn’t work. Some ups/buyables do nothing.
Conclusion: It’s a joke game. It’s unique in that the trees are depending on seed. But it’s too grindy and row 3 isn’t possible for many seeds.

Ranks: Content ?, Balancing 2/5, Uniqueness 5/5

79.The Blob war(Patfr)


Topic: Blob. It’s “discord nitro” emoji. Length: 8-13 mins. Endgame: 3 blob yes/blob no

Layers: 3 layers. All layers reset blobs and Less Effective Tanasinns(I’ll call it L) and have an own effect. Layer 1(Big Blob) boosts blobs and L, which has 5 ups. Layers 2(blob yes) and 3(blob no) reset layer 1, which are static ones and which boosts blobs, big blobs each.

Balancing: Fast. L does nothing shortly after. Conclusion: The game was fast and too short.
Ranks: Content 0/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 4/5, Overall 2/5

89.The Reset Tree*(Thaness0)Githack link
*Based on v0.3


Topic: TMT about resets. Length: 3-4 hrs. Endgame: 1 Singularity

Layers: 7 Layers. All layers reset prior rows. Layer 1(Reset) has some milestones, some ups, and 2 buyables. Layer 2(Ascension) has the same stuff as layer 1, but it’ll have chals(forces row 3 reset on entry) later on. Layer 3(Prestige) has QoL ups. Layer 4(Rebirth) is a static layer, which has many milestones and ups later on. Layer 5(Transcend) has a buyable and some QoL milestones. Layer 6(Rewind) has many(30+) ups, which has 2 buyables. Layer 6 resources are about time(second, minute, hour). Layer 7(Singularity) is empty.

Balancing: Normal speed but sometimes painful. You’ll suffer a bit at ascension, as it doesn’t have QoL. Also some layer 2 chals disables some QoL, which is painful. Other than those, the game goes fine.

Misc: Achs have 3 sets, and you can’t see all sets at first.
Conclusion: The game was cool indeed, despite some painful chals and lack of uniqueness.
Ranks: Content 4/5, Balancing 5/5, Uniqueness 2/5, Overall 3.9/5

1 Like

96.The Multiplier Tree(Galactic999) link


Topic: TMT that is similar to roblox button sim. Layer 1(Mult) multiply cash, layer 2(rebirth) multiply multiplier, layer 3(super mults) multiply multiplier and rebirth.

Length: 2-3 hrs. Endgame: 1i,True Endgame: 1j,Truer Endgame: 1l
Layers: 6 layers. Layers 1~5 reset all prior ones. For layers 1~3 check topics. Layer 4(exponent) raises all prior layers to a power. Layer 5(XP) gives XP that are used for levels. There are some milestones in layer 5, which is gained based on levels. Layer 6(stat) forces a XP reset giving stats, which are used for ups boosting stat.

Balancing: Repetitive. Layers 2, 3, and 5 forces you do the same thing a lot. Layer 5 does nothing indeed, other than automating layer 4, until lv 2. So layer 5 is the same as the hard reset which is terrible. Some layer 6 ups are timewall(15+ mins)

Misc: It has almost no descriptions; doesn’t tell you what each layer does.
Conclusion: The game wasn’t fun at all, because XP layer doesn’t make sense at all. It buffs absolutely nothing and resets ALL things. In addition stat layer is slow. Someone can be confused due to the lack of descriptions. Thus this tree is poor.

Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 1/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 2/5

97.The Random Tree(yyyy7089) link


Topic: Joke TMT. Length: 1-2 hrs. Endgame: Pickaxe tier 8
Layers: 2 layers. Layer 1(pizza) has 2 buyables and 15+ups. Layer 2(mining) resets layer 1, which has 2 tabs. 1st tab has a buyable(pickaxe tier) unlocking new content, and some ups. 2nd tab has some buyables boosting many things.

Balancing: Repetitive. Layer 2 doesn’t have QoL so you’ll repeat layer 1 stuff many times.
Conclusion: The game is a joke game. It was fun but repetitive.
Ranks: Content 2/5, Balancing 4/5, Uniqueness 2/5, Overall 3/5

98.The Modding Tree Tree 2(downvoid)


Topic: Extended TMTT. Length: 2-3 hrs. Endgame: 1 finished despacit mod

Layers: 13 layers and a side layer containing 4 layers. Check review 53 until e9 members. Layer 10(Channels) has more ups. Layer 11(Member) has more ups, milestones and 1 new buyable. At layer 11 things inflate so much that your seconds uses G notation instead of F notation*. At layer 12(roles) things inflate again so it uses double G. For Layer 13(emoji) you can only reset once. After that it uses H notation* and a side layer is unlocked. For side layer content it’s the same as one in review 34. In the end of side layer your seconds will inflate extremely so that it uses hyper-E notation(whose value goes beyond H notation). The endgame number is the biggest of all TMT, which is FAR bigger than Pro Tree and Communitree.
*1Fx=10^^x=10^10^…^10(with x exp), 1Gy=10^^^y=10^^10^^…^^10(with y tetrations), 1Hu=10^^^^u

Balancing: Very fast. After members it’ll be fast until side layer unlock. After that it’s the same as the one in review 34. But passive gain for this content is broken unlike the original, which makes you grind so much.

Conclusion: The game was interesting in that it used the biggest numbers in TMT but the side layer’s passive gain is broken. And some things are too fast.
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 3/5

99.The Stellar Lumen(Citrine)


Topic: Getting Stellar. Length: 9-11 hrs. Endgame: Tier 93 True Endgame: ee5 points

Layers: 1 layer. It has many tabs/subtabs. 1st tab has stellar, etherium having buyables. 2nd tab has tier/factory investment. Tiers reset stellar and etherium stuff. There are permanent milestones based on tiers. There’s u² at some point, which multiplies per second and buffs points. It has a cap pushed by some buyables. u² cap maxes at e2000, which is only pushed by last bitcoin buyable.

Factory investment resets tiers and forces tier reset, producing oreo. Oreo buffs things by itself, which is used for buyables. Factory also has a chal boosting stellar. At tier 37 bitcoin is added in 1st tab, produced by level. Hardforks produce xp(level req). Hardforks reset factory(not chal) and force factory reset(resets nothing at 93 tiers). Bitcoin is used for many strong buyables.

Balancing: Very Slow. Pre-Hardfork is timewall every tier, as you should wait for u² to grow. After hardfork it’ll be normal. After 15+ hardforks rush for tier 93 to make hardfork reset nothing.

Misc: The design looks different from other TMT.
Conclusion: It’s unique but big timewalls makes this game unfun.
Ranks: Content 4/5, Balancing 2/5, Uniqueness 4/5, Overall 3/5

100.The Ethereal Tree(shoober) link


Topic: Growing Ether. Length: 1-3 hrs. Endgame: 30 Super,True Endgame: 50 Super
Layers: 4 layers. Layer 1(ether) resets nothing which has many ups and 2 buyables. Layer 2(shadow) resets layer 1, which has QoL milestones and some ups. Layer 3(shadow energy) resets layers 1-2 which has some milestones(no QoL). Layer 4(Super) resets layers 1-3 which has many milestones. At 7 Super, layer 1 gain is nerfed a lot but you’ll recover as you get more.

Balancing: Slow and grindy. You’ll have to max layer buyables until layer 2. They’re automated at 50 Shadows. However, this QoL reset on layers 3-4 so you should max out 2 buyables manually(max lv is 800+ but manual bulk is 1) 100+ times(no exaggeration).

Misc: Layer 3 is locked if you get layer 3 but the effects are still active.
Conclusion: This game wasn’t fun, due to insane buyables grind.
Ranks: Content 2/5, Balancing 2/5, Uniqueness 2/5, Overall 2/5

101.PBG Tree(downvoid)


Topic: First 3 layers in PT(Prestige, Booster, Generator), with more booster/generator.
Length: 2 hrs. Endgame: F50 points
Layers: 7 layers. Layer 1(Prestige) boosts itself, which has 3 ups. Layers 2(booster) and 3(generator) reset layer 1 which has milestones and ups. Some milestones are QoL. Layers 4(B2), 5(G2), 6(B3), 7(G3) reset prior rows, whose content is same as row 2.

Balancing: Fast. There are no timewalls at all. But the game goes repetitive as you progress, because it lacks variation. There’s an inflation in the end

Conclusion: The game was fast and short. And it lacks variation, as you only reset for B/G layers.
Ranks: Content 2/5, Balancing 4/5, Uniqueness 2/5, Overall 3/5

102.Multi++(ThatOneKobold) link


Topic: Changing multipliers. Length: 5-6 hrs. Endgame: e3 Increasors
Layers: 3 layers. Layer 1(multiplier) resets G.M., which has 3 buyables, 6 ups boosting G.M. and layer 1. Layers 2(reducer) and 3(increasor) reset layer 1, which have QoL milestones. Layer 2 also has 2 buyables, 2 ups. Layer 3 has 3 ups, and last is QoL.

Balancing: Very grindy. Row 1 is fine. But you’ll click on a row 1 buyables many times after row 2 reset.

Misc: Layer 3’s 3rd up autobuys layer 1 buyables, which can’t be toggled. It’s annoying since it isn’t free, meaning that it can reduce pending row 2 currencies. But there’s no content after that. The game design looks a bit different from the others.

Conclusion: Despite unique design, it was short and painful.
Ranks: Content 2/5, Balancing 2/5, Uniqueness 2/5, Overall 2/5

110.Event Tree*(Seder3214)
*Based on v0.2.1


Topic: Rewrite of Planetary in 1 layer tree(Review 60). Length: 3 hrs

Endgame: e30 booster points,True Endgame: e33 booster points,Truer Endgame: e36 booster points
Layers: 2 layers, 1 side layer. All layers reset nothing. Layer 1(Planetary) has 9 buyables producing star energy, and many ups boosting buyables. All buyables’ costs jump at some levels. Side layer 1(Fragment) reset all prior stuff, giving big buffs in return. Layer 2(Boost) has boost slots. Boosts are buffs that are upgraded by booster points. Boosts buff booster points or star energy. Boosts can’t be removed or changed, unless you do side layer reset.

Balancing: Normal speed. Star energy is gained while holding a clickable, which can be annoying.
Conclusion: It’s fun and unique game, despite lack of stuffs.
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 4/5, Uniqueness 5/5, Overall 4.1/5

111.The Formula NG-*(gapples2)
*Based on v0.2


Topic: Mod of “The Formula(Review 62)”. It nerfed things, but 3 new layers.
Length: 3-4 hrs. Endgame: 2 D-Power

Layers: 6 layers, 1 side layer. Layers 1(A-Power), 2(B-Power) are the same ones. Layer 3(C-Power) resets layers 1-2, which has cities boosting some things. Cities are harder to build based on cities. Cities are used to buy buyables, boosting building speed. Layer 4(D-Power) resets layers 1-3, which is empty. Layer 5(Exp) resets layers 1-2, nerfing prior variable exponent but boosting time speed. Layer 6(Refactored Timespeed) resets layers 1-5 and goals, boosting time speed.

Balancing: Slow at start, fast after that. Layers 5-6 are so confusing. Layer 5 is buff at start but is nerf after doing many layer 6 resets. Layer 6 resets all things but its gain is always the same. For me, 80+ layer 6 resets(r>3) are enough for endgame. Note that after grinding layer 6 resets, you should proceed to layer 3, but this time NO LAYER 5 RESETS. If you did layer 5 reset though, then you should start over by doing layer 6 reset.

Conclusion: It got more things, but layers 5-6 are so confusing and still lacks stuffs.
Ranks: Content 3/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 3/5, Overall 3/5

112.The Tree of Life*(pg132) link[Unfinished]
*Also “ToL”. Based on v2.068. 4 parts since it’s huge

Pre-Organ(4-5 days)

Topic: Life-related stuffs. It has 3 phases;phase 1(Pre-Life) is about 5 elements composing most of life-Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus. Phase 2(Life~Plant) is about real life and their parts like DNA, Cells, etc. Phase 3(Human~end) is about Humanity.

Layers: 11 Layers, 3 side layers. Side layer 1(Ach) only buffs Layer 1(Hydrogen), which has e3+ permanent achs. Layers 1, 2(Carbon), 3(Oxygen) reset nothing and only have ups. You may select 1 of layers 2-3, but you get both later. Side layer 2(Minigame) reset nothing, which has 6 tabs, but 6th tab does nothing. You may choose 1 of first 2 tabs in minigame, but you can get both later. 3rd tab in minigame is added at side layer 3(Token). 4-5th tab in minigame is added at layer 4(Nitrogen). Side layer 3 resets all prior stuff, which is static layer and is used for huge buffs that can be refunded for free. Tokens also has coins, which has 25 refundable ups, but some of them are locked by buying others. Layer 4 resets all prior stuff, which has 25 ups, 8 chals, and 20+ milestones. Layer 4’s 16-23th(excl. 22nd) ups need some E points(from minigame).

Layer 5(Phosphorus) resets all prior stuff, which has 25 ups but last 10 are added much later, and some milestones. Layer 6(Mu) forces layer 5 reset, which is static layer boosting layer 5. Layer 6 has same stuff as layer 5, and 9 buyables. Layers 7-11 resets all prior stuff. Layer 7(Life) has 40+ milestones, 9 buyables, 87 chals. Life chal 1 is repeatable(max 110) boosting life and adds buyable every 10. Most of life chals aren’t same as others, since they don’t scale and have no max. Actual amount is (softcapped) at e3 and (hardcapped) at e4, so max actual=1331. At layer 7 there are 10 chals, but at layers 8(Amino)/9(DNA)/10(Cell)/11(Tissue), 16/55/4/2 chals added. Layer 8 has 30 ups, 40+ milestones, boosting life gain. Layer 8 also has protein that is based on amino, which has 8 buyables boosting protein and 1 buyable boosting amino.

Layer 9 has 15 ups, 20+ milestones. Layer 10 has 60+ milestones and 30 ups, which also has 4 minigames having 5 ups each(50 ups total). Cell minigames has 1m timeout, whose ups are kept. You can enable 1 minigame at once. Cell also has stem cell, boosting cell and its minigames. Stem cell has 5 buyables, 3 repeatable chals(max 25/95/4). Stem cell chals reset buyables and forces cell reset. Layer 11 has 75 ups and 25+ milestones. At layer 11 token II is added which removes token stuff, which can be gotten with 3 buyables and be used with 6 buyables. You can refund buyables for free(won’t reset token II), due to limited token II.

Balancing: Normal speed but grindy. Some resets are very grindy since good QoLs are often given after some resets. E minigame is repetitive but not long. Pre-Life is actually fine. But after unlocking life chals things are grindy due to buyables. There are many token respec moments that are needed every token buyable cost reduction. After unlocking protein their buyables are very grindy until full automation at C63(DNA stage). At DNA you should wait for siRNA/7th Mu buyable when you’re stuck. Iota can be confusing, but ignoring “Even(Iota)” will work. After stem cells it’ll be quite straightforward until token II. Token II is strategic, but remember to max up quark for stem cells, max bottom quark for tissue(don’t max charm/down quarks). To maximize tokens in this stage, max top quark, and then buy strange quark x-1 or x-2 times, where x is max affordable. For example, if you can buy at most 7 strange quark, buy 5-6 of them and use the rest in down/bottom quarks.

Misc: You can hide popups. Force toggle shift/control keys exist. You can pause by pressing space bar or “Toggle pause” button. You can view save bank by pressing “Show built in saves”. There are no impossible points at all in pre-organs so if you’re stuck you’re missing something.

Conclusion: It has many stuffs to enjoy, but some things are so grindy/repetitive.
Ranks: Content 5/5, Balancing 4/5, Uniqueness 5/5, Overall 4.5/5

Organ~Plant(3-4 days)

Layers: 7 layers. All layers reset all stuff, except layers 14(Chromosome)&18(Plant). Layer 12(Organ) has 20+ milestones and 20 ups. Layer 12 also has organs tab having 4 subtabs: heart, kidney, lung, intestine. Heart has 2 currencies-OB, DB. You passively gain those but only 1 once. OB, DB is used for ups(there are 30). Kidney has contaminants, which is gained passively by using 5% of either OB/DB(can’t choose neither) and used for 9 buyables and 20 ups. Lung has air which is passively gained, buffed by total air in their chals(there are 6). Air is used for 30 ups, and their chals also buff other things. Intestine has energy which is passively gained at e2300 air. Energy is used for 9 buyables boosting energy over time. Most organ milestones need progress in organs tab.

Layer 13(Animals) has 40+ milestones, 25 ups. Layer 13 has taxonomy having 36 buyables. Taxonomy buyable 1 produces gene, with having own effect boosting air. The other taxonomy buyables buffs prior connected ones. You lose gene and buyable effects by time. Layer 14 resets taxonomy except levels, boosting taxonomy. It has 20 ups, 20+ milestones. At layer 14 there are 8 animal achs, 2 of which are progression ones. The other 6 need specific conditions. Each animal ach has a toggle for selecting effects, and is intended to be gotten in order;left to right, top to bottom. Animal ach 8 adds layer 15(Nucleuses), which resets animal achs. Layer 15 has 20 ups, 20+ milestones. At layer 15, 4 animal achs are added, 1 of which is progression;the other 3 need specific conditions. Those new ones only has effects when it’s ‘ON’ unlike the others, but when it’s ‘OFF’ it buffs the other 3’s ‘ON’ effect.

Layer 16(Species) also resets animal achs and toggles, which has 75 ups and 20+ milestones. It also has 6 chals, and each has 5 max completions. At layer 16 token II has 25 ups, which are reset on further resets(except layer 18). At layer 16 Mastery token is added, which can be bought with token II(other ways are added later). Mastery tokens are used for tree ups, which can be refunded forcing layer 16 reset. Matsery tokens are reset on further layers. Layer 17(Ecosystems) keeps animal achs, and further layers also keeps them. Layer 17 has 20 ups, 20+ milestones and 4 chals with 50+ limit each. Layer 18 forces layer 17 reset, which has 20 ups. 20+ milestones, and 4 buyables. At layer 18 biomass is gained, which is also buffed by itself(based on plants). Biomass is used for layer 18 buyables.

Balancing: Normal until layer 15, slow at layers 16, 18. Animal achs are annoying, since most needs specific conditions which are reset on layers 15, 16. Layer 16 chals are also very annoying, since you should wait for token II before start and you should buy some gene buyables in them. Mastery tokens are strategic but not as much as tokens. Layer 17 is fast and easy one, despite repeatable chals. Layer 18 is slow but not that long.

Misc: Some species chals can’t be beaten, starting at e56 Species. Before that you shouldn’t stuck.

Conclusion: This part is mostly bad, due to its slowness and annoying gene buyables. In addition, Species layer(I hate it) is the worst in this part, since it’s very slow and very long, plus chals are very annoying and some of them are impossible.

Ranks: Content 5/5, Balancing 1/5, Uniqueness 5/5, Overall 3/5

Phase 3(days;Unfinished)

Endgame: e20 Researchers
Layers: 3 layers. Layer 19(Human), 20(Researcher) reset all prior stuff. Layer 19 has 70+ ups, 100 milestones, 9 buyables, and chals. Some layer 19 ups/milestones effects aren’t fully active until a bit more progress. There’s clickable for buying max layer 19 buyables in layer 19, with cooldown.[Unfinished]

Balancing: Human buyables are INSANELY BORING, LASTING FOR DAYS. You’ll click on them too many times, without automation for a long time(despite bulk buy with cooldown).[Unfinished]

Conclusion: [Unfinished]
Ranks: Content 5/5, Balancing 1/5, Uniqueness 5/5, Overall 3/5

Extreme(6-7 days)

Endgame: 298 Chromosomes

Layers: 16 layers, 3 side layers. All gains are vastly nerfed but Layer 22(Science) is added. Layer 22 has many tabs and resets on all resets. Layer 22’s 1st(H sci)-2nd(O sci) tab have 6 buyables and some ups each. A, B minigames have milestones boosting minigames and H sci. Layer 22’s 3rd tab(C sci) comes with C minigame, boosting C minigame with 25 ups. Layer 22’s 4th tab(N sci) comes with N chals unlock, which has 35 ups and 3 buyables. N sci content stops unlocking at P reset(still a thing). P layer has 10 more ups, the last one unlocks at early mu buyables. Life has 20 ups in extreme, which goes with entire Life layer. Amino has no more stuff, but layer 22’s 5th tab(Protein sci) is added at e999 protein, which has 30 ups that unlocks until early DNA layer. At mid-DNA layer, Layer 22’s 6th tab(DNA sci) is added, which has 50 ups and 9 buyables. This tab has many things so its stuff gets added until kidney unlock! Primary/Tertiary has 15/1 more limit. After kidneys Layer 22’s 7th tab(Organ Sci) is added, which has 50 ups and 18 buyables. It’s also big thing so its stuff gets added until late X layer. Organ Sci ups come with nerf(s) often, but buff is bigger. At early Nucleus Layer 22’s 8th tab(RNA sci) is added, which has 3 ups.

Balancing: Normal until Kidney, slow after that. H/O sci buyables can be annoying, since they starts to be automated at 2 tokens. N sci is also annoying since it’s reset on N reset, including N chals. There’s 6 hrs timewall for e12 DNA, since you should wait for DNA to grow. You won’t get more progress at 8/15 token II, 80/243 Chromosomes. At those points use saves ingame(in info tab). Organ Sci is slow due to less contaminants, and ups requiring more organ progress. At animals Organ Sci is slower, as you should push gene more than normal. Organ Sci has many buyables but they’re automated too late, making you click many clicks.

Conclusion: It’s similar to normal despite big nerfs, due to new layer. But Organ Sci is slow despite being compensation. Bugged walls exist which is bad.
Ranks: Content 5/5, Balancing 3/5, Uniqueness 5/5, Overall 4/5