Hello there.
I’m new to TMT, so I’m asking for help. I have a layer whose resource has a limit (cap), conventionally 20 units. How can I limit the resource I receive depending on what I already have?
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TMT doesn’t talk to new players
put a .min(20) on your prestige gain formula
for example:
getResetGain() {
return player.points.div(10).root(2).floor()
getResetGain() {
return player.points.div(10).root(2).floor().min(20)
getNextAt() {
return getResetGain('p').pow(2).times(10)
getNextAt() {
if (getResetGain('p').add(player.p.total).gte(20)) {
return Decimal.dInf
} else {
return getResetGain('p').pow(2).times(10)
some months has passed in prev comment