Making the effect
You should already have a layer, if you don't then make one. Add an effect() function to your layer. It should look like this:effect(){
You’ll have to return a Decimal in the effect function. If you want to make an effect like boosters in PT you do:
return Decimal.pow(2, player[this.layer].points)
you should use this.layer instead of <layerID>
Decimal.pow(num1, num2) is an easier way to do
If you want +1x point gain per layer point do:
return player[this.layer].points
// you can also add .times(multiplier) on to it
You can also use exponents/logarithm.
return player[this.layer].points.max(1).pow(5).log10().max(1)
Implementing the effect
If you want the effect to multiply point gain then you need to add something on to getPointGen() like this:function getPointGen() {
if(!canGenPoints())return new Decimal(0)
let gain = new Decimal(1)
gain = gain.times(tmp.<layer>.effect)
whenever you need to use an effect, use tmp not layers
this would multiply gain by the effect
but you can use any math thing
return gain
Multiplying another layer’s gain is also simple.
let mult = new Decimal(1)
mult = mult.times(tmp.<layer>.effect)
if it's a static layer you need to divide
(replace .times with .div)
return mult
Making the description
Everything has been implemented but the player can't see the effect. You need to add another function into the layer.effectDescription(){
That’s where you put what the effect does.
If you do this:
return "multiplying point gain by " + format(tmp[this.layer].effect)
use format(num) whenever displaying a number
It will display this: “You have layerAmt layerName, multiplying point gain by layerEffect”
Once you do that, you’ll have a working layer effect the player can see!